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Everyone dashed at Jennifer's order. Their target being of course the flying demon in front of them.

As Lucifer moved back, trying to dodge their successive attacks. Mizel moved ahead towards Erza. Disintegrating the blades that were holding her to the wall, he proceeded to healing her sever wounds.

Mizel: " he seems to be strong."

He commented.

Erza: " tell me about it. But he won't stop us."

As soon as she felt better, she stood up, not bothering if Mizel finished healing her or not and reached to her sword. She summoned another sword with her magic and bend down, ready to attack, her outfit shifting to her usual armor.

Erza: " I won't just stay behind!"

And she headed forward...



There was another shock that made the dust within the cracks fall down to the ground.

Ruri held her head up as she felt it before shifting her attention to the way leading further down towards the basement.

Ruri: " I wonder what they're doing?"

She looked down for a while before shaking her head, trying to get rid of every possible bad scenario that would pop up in her mind.

Ruri: " I don't have to worry! They're winning for sure!"

She snapped when she heard a groan next to her and she quickly checked on the man that was starting to wake up. As his eyes snapped open slowly and scanned their surrounding, they finally fell on the relieved face of Ruri as she bend down on him.

Ruri: " you're alive, Jin-san!"

Jin: " I think I'm."

He tried to sit up but failed and fell down, holding his right arm tightly.

Ruri: " it seems Jennifer was right, your arm got damaged."

Jin: "don't worry, it's a mere twist."

He finally managed to stand up.

Jin: " what about the others?"

Ruri pointed at the way leading down.

Ruri: " they headed to help the princess. I was tasked to take care of you."

Jin narrowed his eyes before looking at her.

Jin: " shouldn't we go help them?"

Sasayaki: " stay put! You've just used a judgement attack that drained you! You can't use your air bending and you arm is damaged! I see no reason for you to go there in this situation unless to be killed!"

Jin merely sweat dropped and looked away as Sasayaki pointed out all of that while Ruri had a teasing smile.

Ruri: " I don't need to hear it to know that Sasayaki just scolded you. Anyway, since we will be waiting here for a bit longer, let me check that twist of yours."...

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