Rebelling Princess...

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She walked to her dragon and was ready to leave when Porlyusica caught up with her.

Erza: " really thanks for taking care of him."

Porlyusica: " don't thank me, I hate humans after all."

Erza: " right, then why you rushed him inside as soon as I brought him?"

Porlyusica: ""

She muttered something under her breath while looking away.

Erza: " anyway, when do you think he would recover."

Porlyusica: " his situation is not that dangerous. He is merely suffering several wounds but, it's not life threatening. He will be able to walk properly after a week."

Erza: " very well then."

Porlyusica: " may I ask why did you bring him here? If you had already brought him this far, couldn't you take him to his friends immediately."

Erza: " there was a risk that someone may notice if I head to a place I usually don't go to. It would make both him and his friends in danger as well, my safest bet was to bring him here."

Porlyusica: " you know you may be in troubles if your mother finds out."

Erza: " maybe, but after I spoke with my mother, I think I discovered how soft minded I'm. For so long, I didn't notice what was happening."

Porlyusica: " you did really speak with your mother after you brought him?"

Erza: " I initially had my doubts that mother would let him go, so I had to make sure he was safe before speaking to her."

Porlyusica: " Erza, this id called rebelling, you know that, right?"

Erza: " right, and I don't mind walking down this path if it will truly save our kingdom."

She said riding her dragon and flying away...


Asuka: " if you don't mind me asking, what you basically do?"

She asked the Sleeping Knights' leader.

Kazuto: " our mission is to help save the commoners as well as provide them with weapons in case we had to fight."

Tecchi: " although we never got the chance to fight properly."

Yuuki: " and most of the rebellions we plan in other towns are soon to be finished off by the royal knights."

Kazu: " seems you have been through a lot."

Ryuzaki: " in term of experience, I may say you lack it."

Kazuto nodded with a sigh. After all, even him wasn't able to come up with a good plan for once.

Ban: " there is something I wanted to ask about for so long. Who made you weapons?"

The Sleeping Knights looked at him.

Ban: " they're well made so I figured that they are made by a good blacksmith."

Lizabeth: " well, thanks for the compliment."

Asuka spat out her tomato juice.

Asuka: " it's you!"

Klein placed his hand around Lizabeth shoulders.

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