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The ship started slowly to land down. As Yagami said, by the time the sun of the new day rose up, they were already above Eragon's land.

Shouko: " we went through the clouds layer! All we need now is to find a place to land!"

Yagami: " we left that to Ryuzaki."

The brunette man walked to the front of the ship and took a deep breath before his hand reached to his flute. Playing a few notes, the sound echoed through the air. He closed his eyes and waited for a while, merely listening to the reflecting sound and drawing a map of the land around them. A few minutes went by before that he went back to the bridge.

Ryuzaki: " a few kilometers ahead, we're supposed to find an open area where we can land."

Shouko: " thanks, you saved us a lot."

Heita: " still, how did you do it again?"

Ryuzaki smiled as he explained.

Ryuzaki: " I just made a sound and waited for the landscape around us to reflect it. When it isn't reflected, that means that the place should have no hills or mountain. That's how."

Masashi: " that's pretty awesome."

Yagami: " but can sound travel for that long distance?"

Ryuzaki: " well, this flute is enchanted and its sounds can reach to a long distance."

Shouko: " awesome!"

Heita: " we're landing!"

Slowly, the huge ship landed on the ground and the engine stopped. The storm was still there, but it was weaker than the one they saw in Rossius.

Tohru, Ken and Heidi got out from the ship and walked towards the forest while the others waited in the ship.

Ar: " can she really talk to animals?"

The woman questioned as she found it hard to believe.

Ban: " well, she has Gaia's soul, the Mother Nature itself. So, yeah, she can talk to animals."

A few minutes went by before that Heidi and the two men came back

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A few minutes went by before that Heidi and the two men came back.

Heidi: " there are five villages nearby. Two to the South, two to the the north and one to the East."

Ban: " I see, then, we will have to split up to five groups. So, I will be going with Kazu, Ami, Kousuke and Jennifer. Hiro, you go with Ran, your dauthers, Muraku Arata and Yukina. Tsubasa's members will go together. Sendou, you and your sister along with Asuka, Ken, Tohru, Heidi, Ruri and Mizel will move together. Finally Yagami-san and his followers along side with Runa will be a group. Is everyone ok with that."

They all nodded.

Ban: " alright then. We don't know anything about this kingdom so be careful not to draw any attention. Plus, if possible gather as many information as you can, it will help us."

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