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Kousuke: " that's not beautiful! Not beautiful at all!"

Eriko: " what's with him?"

Ami: " he is angry because after what we had been through to defeat Cerberus, Ken came and took the chance to finish it off."

Kousuke: " not beautiful!"

On the other side, both Ruri and Jennifer where checking on Jin.

Ruri: " I see, it seems he is exhausted."

Jennifer: " I'm more worried whether his right arm got damaged or not. We can leave him with you?"

Ruri nodded.

Ruri: " I will take care of Jin-san. You move ahead and help Erza."

Ken: " alright then."

She then looked at Mizel.

Ruri: " there is no using that mind spell unless it's extremely needed."

The boy nodded before all of them ran deeper towards the basement...



Erza was running through the empty halls. She made sure to thank everyone who helped her within her heart. It was because of their hard work and their sacrifices that she managed to make it that far.

She finally came across a huge wooden door. She took a deep breath before pushing it open. As soon as she did step inside, it was closed right behind her.

Erza: " even if you trap me in here! You know I can make my way out! So show yourself! Gordes!"

" As expected from the princess. You made it this far."

From behind one of tr poles there, Gordes peeked up, a wide sinister smirk plastered to his face.

Erza took a fighting pose, ready to attack at any time.

Erza: " Gordes! You and your followers committed the ultimate treason for this kingdom! Made its people suffer! And even killed my mother! So I shall see to your punishment myself!"

Gordes: " ho! Someone is very pissed off!"

Erza: " you..."

Gordes smirked before snapping his fingers. Two manticores appeared by his sides.

Erza: " demons again?"

Gordes: " of course! They're strong! They're powerful! And they're obedient to their summoners!"

Erza: " no mater what my enemy is, I will cut it down with my own sword!"

She zoomed forward, aiming to finish the two demons off with one blow no more, but it seemed she was wrong.

As soon as she got closer, the demons brought the scorpion tails they had down at her. Erza quickly deflected them with her sword but she couldn't dodge one of them that jumped on her, slashing at her abdomen using its claws.

The woman was pushed back, yet, was still standing. She tightened her grip on the wound caused by the demon and clicked her tongue.

Erza: " strong..."

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