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Kazu: " what do you mean we can't win? We had already come this far!"

He yelled at the brunette. As soon as Ban, Ryan, Alice and Ran met up with the rest of the royal army, Ban announced the retreat order.

Ban: " not only that Darnic is very strong, we've just fought him and we almost died. But there are a lot of us who can't fight right now, Kazu..."

He said taking a glance at everyone there. Most of them were injured badly, yet, they wanted to fight and so continued on with the rest of the army towards the Priston mansion before Ban stopped them.

A whole lot of others were feeling down, they had lost dear friends, and were trying to push themselves forward.

Finally, he placed his right hand on his left arm, sensing the cold feeling of the red ice closing his wound. He as well can't fight properly with one hand.

Kazu sighed after reconsidering all of that. He knew better than anyone that they can't force their way through with such members.

Erza: " so we're going back to the castle. Then, what's the plan after that?"

Ban: " let's first let everyone sort their things and then we will speak about it."

This time, his eyes wandered to a certain black haired young man. He was very down. Ban didn't need to be told. The fact the fairy wasn't with him itself made it clear as crystal...



The young black haired servant poured the liquid into the cup.

Darnic: " I can't believe they managed to escape, I was sure I got them there. They're sure interesting."

He sipped of his drink and then stood up, throwing the glass on the ground and it shattered to multiple pieces.

Darnic: " tell them to begin the preparation, we will take over the kingdom."

The servant boy bowed and and left the room.

Darnic: " Finally, this land will meet its rightful ruler."...


Jin: " I see. It was the best decision to take."

Ban: " I couldn't risk entering a fight with the whole army in that situation."

He said placing his hand on his left arm. It now had bandages over the wound instead of the ice Ryan created.

Jin: " what do you intend to do next?"

The brunette narrowed his eyes.

Ban: " first..."...


  Bercouli: " I figured you would be here."

The brunette woman snapped and looked from the glass box to her teacher.

Asuna: " Yuuki... Yuuki was... Why should she..."

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