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TW: Mentions of attempted suicide•

Incoming Call: Sunshine ☀️💕
Answer | Decline


"Hey, where are you? Did something happen?"

"Um..." the rest of the guys never knew why Chan had his own apartment. They just let it be. "Family emergency."

"Oh. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah". I stir the soup I was making. "Mostly."

"Okay. Do you know where Changbin and Chan are? They didn't show up either."

"Actually, they're with me. Erm, we're at Chan's apartment."

"Oh, okay."

Our conversation goes quiet, and for the first time, awkward. I didn't want to tell Chan's business. This stuff stayed strictly between us.

"Listen Min, something bad happened. I can't tell you because it's not my place, but it is an emergency. I'll text you when everything is alright and cooled down."

"That's fine, baby. Tell the guys I said hi and I'm sending love and support their way. I love you."

"I love you, too. See you later."

- - - - -

"Was that Minho?" Changbin's voice startles me, but I nod.

"He just wanted to know if something happened."

"What did you say?"

"Family emergency. I told him we were at Chan's and something happened, but it wasn't my place to say. He understood."

Bin nods, the mood going sour again.

"He fall asleep?" I question, shutting the stove off and pouring the food into a bowl

"No, I just had to use the bathroom, and I heard you talking to someone."

"Oh, okay. Well his food is done, so let's go."

We walk back to his room, and I set the bowl on his nightstand. He was a mess. His hair was sticking out in different directions, his eyes were puffy and looked sore, his lips were cracked and pale. I felt awful about what happened, but the best thing I could do was be there for him.

"What movie do you want to watch?"

"I don't care."

I look to Bin to choose a movie while I gave Chan his food. Whenever he was upset, he always had trouble eating solid food. It would get stuck in his throat because of the crying. Soup always worked best.

"Thank you guys," he mumbled, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"We're always here for you, hyung. You know that. We love you," Changbin responded, petting his head after settling in the bed.

I follow in suite, sitting next to Chan so he was in the middle. He ate quietly, watching the cartoon Changbin put on. Bin tried his best to find something that wasn't sad, but unfortunately, most movies are.

During the early middle of the movie, Chan's phone began to ring. He had no hesitation in answering it.

"Yes, this is he," he said to someone on the phone; it sounded like a lady. "I'll be there shortly, thank you."

After he hung up, he wasted no time in hopping up, almost spilling the food.

"Lina asked for me, she refused my parents. She's at the hospital downtown. Let's go-"

"Hyung, you need to get dressed first. You really want her to see you all smelly?" I point out, feeling that the mood was rising.

He nodded quickly, looking like he was going to break his neck, "okay, get out. Let me change. Warm up my car, the keys are by the door."

The three of us worked fast, being out of the door within five minutes. Changbin forced Chan into the passenger seat, knowing his anxiety would effect his driving. We made it downtown in ten minutes.

"Here, go you guys. I'll park, just text me where her room is," Changbin directed, Chan barely giving me a chance to hear him before he zoomed out.

"Fucking jock," I hiss, running after him.

He stopped at the front desk, getting the information and speed walking to the elevator.

I understood why he was acting like this. He hadn't seen his siblings in years. He talked to them maybe three times each in the span of three or four years.

"Hyung, take a deep breath," I set my hand on his shoulder, watching how his eyes darted in every direction.

"I-I know, it's just... I haven't seen them in such a long time. I feel so guilty for not finding a way to see them. Even for a few minutes."

"Chan, it's not your fault. You tried so hard to find different ways. It's your parents fault, okay? Don't you dare blame yourself."

Sighing, he put a hand to his forehead, taking in a breath to calm down. I texted Changbin the information before putting my phone away and stepping out of the elevator.

We turn through the different halls, finally coming upon room 325. Chan takes a minute before he knocks, hearing an okay to come in.

When we walk in, it's nothing but silence. Hard, painful silence. The two siblings stare at each other, tears already hitting the floor.

"Channie!" She cries, lifting her arms and letting Chan dive into them. They sobbed together, sniffles and harsh breaths filling the room.

Changbin then knocked and I opened the door for him, making sure he stayed quiet. We stood together, watching the scene. How could something be so incredible, yet so sad?

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