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Sunshine ☀️💕

hey, i'm home

Sunshine ☀️💕
are you okay?

yeah just
i don't know
i feel so overwhelmed
that i'm numb.
like i'm just gonna
go through the days
feeling nothing.
like a robot

Sunshine ☀️💕
i understand :(
i'm sorry i
can't help much.
but i really love
you, ji.
it'll be okay,
i know it will

thanks babe
i love you too
i'm gonna go
take a nap

Sunshine ☀️💕
a nap?
don't you hate

i do.
but i'm too stressed.
i feel like i'm
gonna have a heart
attack or my hair
is going to fall out.
so yes, i want to
take a nap

Sunshine ☀️💕
okay angel
nap well then,
my love 💕
i'll probably be
at work when you
wake up
so just call if you
need anything

i will
love you

Sunshine ☀️💕
love you too
bye bye


I set my phone down, climbing under my sheets and resting my head on the pillow. I look at Moto's tank, watching him as he swam up to the front of the glass, staring back toward me. Sighing, I close my eyes, hoping for the next morning to come soon.

But a knock on my door resonates through the room, filling me with dread.

"Honey? Can I come in?" My mom asks. I could've easily said no, but I wasn't going to make her life more difficult.

"Yeah," I croak out, sitting up against the wall.

She comes in, a sad smile dancing around her lips. She sits next to me, tucking some overgrown hair behind my ear.

"Your dad went to go talk to him about a few things, it's just you and I for a couple hours."

I nod, the information going in through one ear and out the other. Why would I care about something that purposely hurts me?

"I love you."

"I love you, too, mom."

"You don't deserve any of this."

"Neither do you."

"I wish I could take you and run to a far far away place."

"I do too," I choke out, my lips already beginning to quiver.

She brings me into a hug and my arms lock tightly around her. She lets out a few sniffles, letting me show she was already crying. Some scattered tears glide down my own flushed cheeks.

"I'm sorry."

"Me too."

"I love you so much."

"I love you, too."

Why So Lonely? || Minsung 1/3 ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now