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I sit on my bed, staring outside of my window. The night sky looks pretty. Pretty enough to make me stand up, slip on shoes and a sweatshirt, and quietly walk out of my room.

My mom was sleeping, so hopefully the creaky stairs wouldn't wake her. Once I reached the front door, I pulled it open, shutting it behind me.

I breathe in deeply, the night air filling my lungs. It smelled of metallic rain. It was fresh. Shivers crawled throughout my body. Relief doused my head, my stomach losing the nauseous feeling.

I listened to the wind chimes as they gently hit one another. All it took was one clean breath for my stresses to become nothing but a low buzzing in my ear.

I was happy standing here. The night sky looked down at me as I admired the way it shined. The man in the moon greeted me after it had been so long since we saw each other.

This night made me want to call Minho and tell him to come over so we could watch the stars together. Then this would feel complete. I would have to show this to him another time.

For now, I was content with being alone.

The crickets chirped, blending into the atmosphere rather than disrupting it. No dogs barked. No cars beeped. It was just the crickets, the sky, and me.

I was a night owl. I'd rather stay up at with the moon than have to deal with the morning sun. I couldn't deny that the sunrise was stunning; it just so happened that the sunset was absolutely ravishing.

Placing myself on the porch swing, I lay my head back, still eyeing the stars that inspected my presence. My legs pushed me, swinging the seat back and forth in a slow but soothing manner.

If I could capture this moment with a camera, I would. My memory would have to do though.

I've always wanted to take photos of the night sky than any other scenery. Not the beach, not a flowery field. Just the hours of darkness.

The thoughts that crept into my mind were not ones of gloom, but ones of happiness. I recalled the times that I hung out with my friends. With Minho. With my brother.

I was mad at him, I was upset with him, but nothing could make me love him any less. A brother is a brother. Though I don't agree with his idiotic choices, I just hope to someday hear him say that he loves me. I want to be able to hug him again.

Past memories will have to hug me for a little while. Just until he comes again.

Shaking the thoughts away, I stood up from my seat. I made my way inside and back to my room. I gazed at the night sky for a few more seconds before getting into my still warm bed.

If only this feeling could last forever.
If only this happiness could last a little longer.
Then I would be okay.

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