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"Good morning, Jisung," my mom greets as I walk down the stairs, fully dressed for school.

"Morning," I say, feeling exhausted to the point where I could barely lift my arms long enough to wave.

"I made pancakes. Go sit down. They'll be ready in a minute," she says with a smile.

"I'm not very hungry, Mom," I respond, ready to just leave to school.

"Oh... okay. Have a good day at school then, I love you," she walks over and kisses my cheek before retreating back to the kitchen.

"Love you too."

As I walk out of the house, a monotone expression slips onto my face when I get caught up in my thoughts. My hands are stuffed inside the pockets of my jeans as I move forward.

Same shit, different day.

I sigh out, wind blowing through my thin button up. I shiver, scolding myself for not bringing a jacket. Watching my shoes, I listen to the faint sound of passing cars and the crunch of pebbles under my feet.

"Jisung!" a voice calls out, making me look up from my gaze on my dirtied converse.

"Hey hyung," I say, a small smile set on my face as I look at the black-haired boy. "What's up?"

"Nothing really. Walking with my friend to the worst place in the world. The daily shit," Changbin chuckles, his hands locked around the backpack straps that were on his shoulders.

"Mhm," I respond, not really want to talk to anyone today. I just feel... awful. I'm drained. I'm tired. I just feel like crying.

"Are you okay?" He questions. Funny, someone noticed. That never happens.

"Course, why?" I answer, my eyelids drooping a bit before I blink them a few times.

"You're a lot more quiet today. Not that I'm complaining."

"I'm just tired." Ah, the usual response. That surely never gets old, does it? It's better than saying I'm so fucking lonely even when I'm in a sea of people. It's better than saying that not even my parents notice that something's wrong. It's better than saying everything I've shown to you all has been fake this whole time.

"Hey, Sung-ah," the shorter snaps me out of my thoughts again, stopping me as he puts his hand on my shoulder. "Don't we have a test today in English?"

"I don't know," I mumble, beginning to walk again, his hand slipping from my shoulder.

We walk down the sidewalk and across the street, seeing not that many students outside. They either show up late or are already inside.

"Oh! There's Lix. I'll see you in Psych class," he waves before running towards his boyfriend.

Alone again, naturally. There I go, thinking about Shrek. I wonder if he ever got too lonely. He's spent his whole life alone. Maybe you just get used to it. When will I get-

"Shit," I groan, having run into someone extremely hard. At least I had my backpack to break my fall.

"Jeez dude, watch where you're going," the brown-haired boy, who's also on the ground, says, interrupting my precious thoughts about the green ogre.

"Sorry," I mumble out, not really caring if he accepted it or not.

When I look up at him, he has an irritated look on his face. He glares at me before beginning to stand up, grabbing a few notebooks that fell out of his hands.

I stand up, expecting to head straight to my locker before I'm shoved into a wall by two familiar hands. Kim Kyungho. A merciless bastard who thinks he's above everyone.

"I thought I told you to stay out of my way," he spits, getting right into my face.

I roll my eyes, trying to get away from him. His breath smelled like rotten eggs. As I go to move, his palm hits me straight back into the wall, a little 'oof' sound coming from me.

"Your breath stinks. Get off of me," I retaliate, knowing I shouldn't have, but not really caring at this point.

"Oh, you want me to get off of you?" he says, completely ignoring my first words, "make me. Go ahead. That's not what you said the first time."

My body stiffens as he mentions the 'first time.' The gist of it was: we were both drunk and he pulled me into a room. We didn't have sex, although he tells everyone we did, there was a very heated make out session.

"I'd rather die than be in that stupid fucking room with you again," I growl, not liking how he pulled shit in from the past.

"Then so be it."

Why So Lonely? || Minsung 1/3 ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now