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I lightly hum to the songs that played on my phone, not realizing that the darkness in my room had faded into a lighter shade. The song ended, leaving me to look at my phone to see what was going to play next.


My eyes widen once I see the time. I look towards my uncovered windows, seeing the sun peak out from the buildings in the distance.


I had been reading The Night Of, making it to chapter 29. The second to last chapter of the book. I had cried during it, being sensitive to such an incredible storyline.

I put the book down, being a bit bored. Pausing the music, I stand up and stretch. I was exhausted, but there was no way in hell that I was going to go back to sleep.

Maybe I could hang out with Minho today, or one of the other boys. It sounded nice, getting out on the weekend.


Turns out, my mom had been called into work, and my dad wouldn't be home this weekend. As per usual. I was stuck home alone once again with nothing to do. It was almost noon, and my phone notifications were dry, besides updates from Twitter.

I sat cross-legged on the kitchen counter, chopsticks in one hand (that we're holding a few noodles) and my book in the other. My mom would be pissed if she saw me on the counter like this. Good thing I'm the one who cleans the kitchen.

Abruptly, the door bell scares the living hell out of me. I hop off of the counter, walking around the wall toward the front door. I peak through the peep hole first, just in case it was a sketchy person. What I see is unexpected.

"Hyunjin?" I open the door with a puzzled expression as to why the older was here.

"Hi, are you busy?" He seemed nervous. Hyunjin is never nervous. Flustered, yes, nervous, no.

"Not at all, come in. No one is here." I step aside, letting him come in. He's never been here, so I questioned how he knew my address.

"How did-"

"Chan hyung. Listen, Jisung, I really need to talk, and you are the only person who I can really trust with this information because I know you wouldn't expose me."

Wow, that was a lot to take in.

"Yeah, yeah sure. Do you want anything? Are you hungry?" He nods, following me into the kitchen.

"Cereal, ramen, leftover kimchi?"

"Cereal. And water, too. Please," he says politely, standing a bit awkwardly.

"Sit on a stool, and tell me what's bothering you while I get your food," I say, setting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

He takes in a deep breath, "well you know how Felix said I had a crush? I do, but it's not normal."

I stop what I'm doing, "are you in love with an anime character or something?"

"Kind of."

"What?!" I yell, looking at him as if he was insane.

"No no, he's real. He's just... really pretty. Like an anime or tv character. Sorry," the taller giggles. "A-and I'm not in love."

"Well geez, the only person who I would say looks like an anime or k-drama character... would be... Okay wait. No. Tell me first. I don't want to assume."

"Seungmin," he spits out, playing with his hands nervously. "I-I don't know why I like him. I just do. It's been like this not even that long. And he's a really close friend."

"Oh my god, you're into nerds. Would've never seen that coming," I say, handing him his cereal.

"Sung, be serious," he whines before shoving a spoonful of the sugar into his mouth. "I don't know what to do. Seungmin... I don't know. We talk all the time. He's my best friend."

"Seungmin gets jealous whenever you and Jeongin are touchy touchy," I point out, "Jeongin obviously likes Chan, so there wouldn't be a reason to get jealous. Seungmin and you are always together. You guys get touchy touchy. And when I say that, I mean it as worse than Minho and I."

"What about Fe and Binnie?"

"Oh god, nothing could ever compare to those two disgusting perverts."

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