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"Do you want us to stay?" I question Chan after we had gotten back to his apartment.


"Are you hungry? I can pick something up for us. I know you guys are tired," Changbin offered, gaining a yes from us.

"Alright, I'll be back soon then."

After he left, I turned to Chan to see him on the verge of tears again.

"Whoa, whoa," I gasp, embracing him tightly, "what is it? What's wrong?"

"I'm just so happy, Ji," he whispers softly, "it's going to be okay again."

"Oh hyung," I pat his head, "you're absolutely right. I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you Jisung. For always being here. I know you're having a hard-"

"Stop, it's okay. I'll always be here. I don't care what's happening with me, you two come first. Let's go watch a movie, okay? You look exhausted."

We climb into his bed, his arms automatically wrapping around my waist while his head rests on my stomach. I run my fingers through his blonde, dead hair.

This poor kid has gone through so much. He didn't deserve to have parents like that. He was the most caring and kind person I had ever met. He was unbelievably selfless and everyone could see that.

His pale cheeks glittered in the rays of sunlight that escaped through his cheap, worn curtains. He was an attractive guy. He was smart, talented, and good-looking. He had so many amazing aspects to him. Jeongin was a lucky kid. I hoped in my heart that they'd last. They both were such good people.

During the movie, I tried my best to keep my eyes open, but his warmth got to me. Though I was sitting up, I leaned against the wall, letting my eyelids slip closed.


"Guys, wake up," Changbin nudged my shoulder, taking a few seconds before shaking me awake. "Food is here."

I groan, my neck aching at the position my head fell into. Chan just hugged me tighter, not wanting to give up precious hours of sleep since he already had trouble in the first place.

"Five more minutes."

"Just sleep until you're ready to get up," I patted his head. "Just bring the food in here, I'll be careful."

"You better not spill on my bed, Han," Chan threatened, "you know what happened last time."

"That was years ago-"

"That was last month."


The two just sighed, putting down a thick sheet for me. Almost like a bib, but not physically on me.

"You're impossible."

"I know," I giggle, thanking Changbin for the food and digging in.

"Shit, that smells good. Never mind, I'm up. Gimme gimme," Chan reaches out like a toddler, eager to fill his stomach.

"Gosh," Changbin huffs, handing Chan his food, "you two are impossible.

"We know," we say in unison.

Why So Lonely? || Minsung 1/3 ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now