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I watch on the screen as the characters interact, smiling with one another. I shuffle more into Minho's side, feeling his arm get tighter around my body.

I smile subtly, feeling that today was okay. Just relaxing with my favorite person. Then only a few minutes go by before everything is destroyed once again.

"Jisung, what the hell! I asked you not to tell mom and dad," Heetuk barges in angrily, making both Minho and I jump out of our skins.

"What are you talking about? Get out!" I growl back, sitting up and handing Minho my laptop. "You can't just barge-"

"You lied to me! You said you wouldn't tell them," he interrupts, huffing out.

"Get out!" I scream, standing up and walking toward him. "First of all, I didn't say anything. Second, I'm not going to lie to them anymore! If they ask, I'm telling them. Now, get out!"

"Gosh, I thought I could trust you," he sighs, trying to make me feel guilty.

Guilt was far from what I was feeling right now.

"You thought wrong!" I stab my finger into his chest, glaring into his eyes, "You should've known the trust was lost as soon as you walked out of that goddamn door! Now get the fuck out of my room!"

Hurt flashed behind his eyes, and honestly, it made me happy that I hit a soft spot.

He says nothing as he walks out, stomping down the steps. As soon as he's out of my sight, my chest tightens. I clench my jaw, breathing heavily as I glare down at the floor.


"Please, don't," I whimper, weeping softly into my trembling hands. I hate when I get angry. I hate feeling it because I feel vulnerable. I'm not an angry person. I don't yell, though it seems to be all I do now.

His arms wrap around me, holding me steady. He stays silent, letting me cry. Everything inside hurt. Why does this shit keep happening? I was having such a good day.

"Can we go somewhere? I-I don't want to be here anymore. At least not when he's home."

"Sure, baby. Where do you want to go?"

"Is it okay if we hang out with Felix and Bin?"

"Sounds good. I'll message them. Go wash your face, okay? It'll make you feel better."

I nod, escaping his grasp and leaving the room.

I splash some water on my face, the cold nice against my heated skin. The reason why I wanted to hang out with Felix and Changbin was because Bin was one of my comfort people. He's been there for everything. It made sense in my head. I'm not saying Minho doesn't comfort me, Changbin is just more familiar and like a brother. I needed brotherly love right now, not romantic.

A few minutes go by of me staring at myself in the mirror, thinking. When will it end? The arguments. The drama. It's been years already.
I'm so tired.

"Hey, Ji?" Minho knocks on the door. "They said we could meet them at the cafe. Does that sound okay?"

"Yeah," I respond, drying off with a towel. I open the door, Minho already back in my room. I'm so tired of this.

We get our things, heading downstairs to put on our shoes. My parents are in the living room. I wave, not saying anything about where we were going. They trusted me enough for that.


Felix holds onto my hand when we sit next to each other at the table. I gently squeeze it, silently thanking him for the comfort.

Changbin and Minho ask what we want, heading up to the counter to order. Lix and I stay back.

"Are you okay?" He questions, looking over at me with a sympathetic look.

Am I? I should be. I shouldn't dwell on such things. I should get over these things quicker. But I can't. Being around people doesn't help. Having the love around me doesn't help.

"I guess."

"That's not an answer, Ji."

"I'm tired, Lixie." A sudden lump grows in my throat. Don't you dare cry in front of all these people. Everything is fine.

"I'll get your mind off of it, okay? Unless you want to talk about it. I'm always here."

"The argument was stupid." My English was getting rusty. I needed to practice.

"What happened?"

"He got high in the house. My parents asked me about it. I told them the truth. He got in trouble. Then he yelled at me."

"That's... shitty. He shouldn't have even been doing that in the house. He's being a dick on purpose."



"Oh." I smile, noting the new word in my head. "Dick. Okay. How is it used in English?"

"I usually call people dicks as an insult. Like asshole or bastard. It's hard to explain it."

"I think I get it. I'll definitely be using that," I giggle, wanting to confuse my hyungs with it.

"Oh, god. Don't tell Chan I taught you that."

"No promises."

Why So Lonely? || Minsung 1/3 ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now