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"Morning, Min," I greet, sighing into him as we hug. We needed this.

"Morning. How'd you sleep?" He kisses the side of my head, pulling away and grasping my hand instead.

"It was fine. No nightmares. What about you?"

"Eh, it took me awhile to fall asleep," he shrugs, pulling me forward to walk to my locker. "I'd sleep better with you in my arms."

A lump grows in my throat, remembering our conversation. It didn't upset me, it just made me realize how much I love him. "Me too."

"You know, baby, we need to get out."

"What do you mean?" I sit at my desk, looking over to him.

"We need a day for us. The last one we truly had was when we went to the mall and got caught in the storm."

"Well, what about our last movie date? We had a good time then." I frown, unsure what he was talking about.

"I mean completely to ourselves. No school, no parents, no friends. A day where you don't have to worry about your family and a day that I don't have to worry about you. I just want to be with you, you know?"

I nod, reaching out for his hand. "I get what you mean. We just have to plan a day then. We only have a month and a half left of school."

"Wait what?" His eyes were wide, his grip on my hand tightening.

"What's the matter?"

He shakes his head. "I-I just didn't realize."

A deep feeling in my gut grows as our attention is pulled away from each other by the teacher. I take one last glance at him before beginning to copy down notes. Why did he have that reaction?


I stare at my half finished painting. The clouds in my drawing made my vision blur. I knew exactly what this painting meant, and somehow, I actually covered the secret pretty well. Maybe I could even turn it into a song.

Instead of cleaning up some lines on my artwork, I grab my notebook. I begin to write what my painting meant. The lyrics behind it. I don't think I'd ever have the courage to actually show anyone. It hit too close to home. Wherever home was.

The bell rang a few minutes after, having me pack up my things. I think about last nights dinner.

"Hey, Mrs.Im?" I call, walking up to her desk. Just say it. There's no harm in doing it.

She looks up at me, a small smile lingering on her face. "Yes, Jisung?"

"He-" Heetuk said hi. "U-um, when was the- the secret painting due again?"

Her face falls into a frown for a split second before perking back up. "Next month on the first. In seventeen days. It's your final, big project... didn't I already tell you that?"

"Yeah, you did," I scratch the back of my neck. "I have trouble remembering. Anyway, have a nice day."

I've never left that class so fast.

Why So Lonely? || Minsung 1/3 ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now