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"Honestly Hyun, I think you should tell him. It'll get it off your chest, and you know Seungmin is an understanding person, so even if he doesn't feel the same way, you'll be fine."

"But... but what if it's still awkward? I don't want to lose my best friend," he says in a defeated tone.

"It'll be okay, I promise. I'm almost ninety-eight percent sure that he likes you. Don't think about it too much. Don't think, just do it. Minho said if you think too much, it'll put negative things into your head."

"Ugh, I'll do it. I'm going to kill you and make you buy me ice cream if this doesn't go well."

"That's fine, I'm here for you. You know that," I smile, "do you wanna stay the night?"

He nods, "sure. I don't have clothes though."

"Eh, you're small enough. You can wear some of my clothes," I say, "by the way, did you just... run here or something? You texted Channie hyung, why didn't you just tell him?"

"I trust that hyung, but not with information such as this. I don't know why. I can just really trust you."

My smile grows and I tilt my head, "your trust is appreciated. Thank you."

"Agh, no. Thank you for listening to my emotional boy problems."


"Hey, I think someone's here," Hyunjin whispers, the movie not being a too loud.

"What time is it?"


"Oh frick. I keep forgetting to tell my mom that friends keep coming over. Come on," I say, standing up from the couch.

I walk into the kitchen with Hyunjin trailing behind me, "hey mom." I kiss her cheek.

"Hey honey, who's this?" she mentions, smiling toward the older.

"Hi Mrs.Han. I'm Hyunjin," he replies.

"Nice you meet you. You guys can go back to whatever you were doing. I assume you ate since that meat I pulled out earlier is gone."

"I made dinner. I put your plate in the microwave," I speak up.

Both her and I switched with whoever made dinner. It was mostly me since she worked a lot, but I didn't mind. I usually cleaned the kitchen as well. The rest of the house wasn't really used since it was mostly her and I there, so we only cleaned it twice or sometimes once a week.


"What's up with you and Minho hyung? When are you guys going to date?" Hyunjin questions, getting bored of the movie.

"When we're ready. I just want to wait a bit. There's a lot of overwhelming things going on right now, so it's best to just let it pass than to rush into things. It's only been about a month anyway."

"Yeah, I guess that's true. Have you noticed anything different about Minho hyung than when you first met him?"

"I really don't remember when I met him. I've known him since the beginning of the school year because we had the same math class. I think I was really shy before he talked to me. After awhile, it was just our thing to always be together in that class. I guess it developed a lot more than I realized," I explain, getting a giddy feeling whenever I explain it.

"Awe, it's like those cliché love stories that you read about online or in books," Hyunjin giggles.

"Oh trust me, this is not like those. Those are always like, 'oh yeah, I'm a nerd who's fallen for the bad guy' or 'I'm in love with my best friend and he loves me back but I don't notice it for ten years because I'm dumb.' It's not like that. Him and I were friends before this, but we haven't been friends for such a long time. He's not a bad boy. He's not a nerd, either. He just ended up helping me when I was having a rough time, and we grew closer from there," I rant, smiling at the thought of him helping me to such an extent.

"Well Jisung, I think you may have a problem. You're still like a damsel in distress."

"No, I can fight for myself. I can help myself. It was just much easier with him there," I grin, "you'll understand- oh wait. You're like that character who's in love with their best friend. What a coincidence," I shrug, teasing him.

"Oh shut up. You know what my biggest question is? Why are we all some type of gay?" He points out, picking at the corner of my pillow, "You and I are somewhat gay, Seungmin would seem straight if he apparently 'wasn't all over me,' Chan and Jeongin are pretty much together, Felix and Binnie are together, and then Minho is... Minho."

My eyebrows raise in surprise, "jeez, you sure pay attention to your surroundings. I never thought of that. The pairings would be you and Seung, Minho and I, Fe and Binnie, Chan and Jeongin. That is weird. I heard that one in eight people were gay. I guess they had a group of sixty-four people and divided it into eight with the wrong people. I think I did my math correctly, don't at me."

He laughs, looking at me as if I was stupid. I couldn't blame him.


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