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Calling Hubby 🥰

"Hey, what's up?"

"Hi," I greet, sniffling a bit. I ended up getting a very slight cold. "I did a dumb."

He laughs. It's so pretty. "What did you do?"

"I got a cold from being mad, so we can't hang out today." It wasn't the greatest explanation, but does it really matter?

"From being mad?"

"Took an expression too seriously. Don't worry. Bin already scolded me for it."

"Uh, okay. Why can't we hang out? Are you not feeling well?"

"I have a cold."

"So? I want to kiss you even if snot is running down your lips." I could hear his pout from here. What the fuck is wrong with this kid?

"That's disgusting."

"I don't care. Pleeeeaasseeee."

I sigh, laying back onto my bed. "Fine, whatever. Don't get mad if you get sick. What time are you gonna come?"

"Is three okay? I have to help my mom with groceries today, and she usually takes forever."

"That sounds good."

Five hours of waiting, how lame.


As the second episode of this drama begins, I smell something funky. Sitting up, I sniff the air once more. What the fuck is that? It smells like skunk.

I get up, leaving my room. Heetuk's room light was on. I knock. When I open the door, I'm slapped in the face with the pot stench.

"What the fuck, dude. You're not supposed to smoke in the house. Mom and dad are going to be home in like an hour." Ah, yes. Pissed off once again for the dumb doings of my brother.

"I have the window open, it's fine."

"It's not fine if I can smell it from my room."

"Shit. Okay, whatever. Don't tell them."

I shut the door, rolling my eyes. What a fucking dumbass. The window? Are you kidding me? Does he even know how air and smoke work?


Mom 🌺

We bought some
lunch for u guys
Can u help us
bring it in?
We r down
the street



I get out of my bed once again, traveling down the steps to go help her. Before I can get outside, she comes in. Her face is scrunched up as she looks at me.

"What's that smell?"

"Heetuk was smoking in his room."

Why the fuck would I lie to my parents? Especially for him. I've lied to them too many times for him. I always got the backlash. Never again. It's not my problem. He knew he shouldn't have been doing it, yet he didn't care. That's the problem with him. He doesn't care.

So why should I?

Why So Lonely? || Minsung 1/3 ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now