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My food jiggles when I hit it softly with my spoon. I'm slumped over on the table, trying my best to listen to the conversation floating around. My eyes have had a headache all day.

Minho's hand in on my back, rubbing it soothingly. He glances at me from time to time. Felix is on my right. He keeps patting my thigh, unable to hold my hand since I was trying to eat.

"Sung," said boy calls. I turn to look at him, feeling like a zombie. "What happened to your cheek?"

I reach up, wincing when I press too hard on my bruise. Right. I forgot that he hit me.


My eyes escape his and I go back to my food. He grasps my chin, forcing me to look at him. "Who hit you?"

Like that, I shut down even further. I tore away from his grip and stood. With the lump in my throat, I couldn't even lie. I just left. I went to my locker to get my stuff.

I pull out my phone before I take another step. There's the dial tone. Two rings.


"Can you get me out of here, please? Just call the school to excuse me. I'll walk home."

"What? What happened?"

"I can't be here right now, mom."

"Jisung, please give me a reason."

"This morning."

"...okay. I'll call them now. Are you going to be okay at home by yourself?"


"Okay. I love you. I'll see you later."

"I love you, too. Bye."

I lean against the metal locker, taking deep breaths. I don't know if I'd be able to make it home. I couldn't keep it together. I wanted to lay in my bed, in the dark, and sleep. Just be unconscious.

"Ji? Hey, come here."

Chan swiftly embraces me. "What happened, little one?" He whispers, basically holding me up because if he didn't, I'd melt into the floor.

"He left. He left again." As soon as I said those words, it started coming. Sobs broke from my throat. My body was almost numb from holding it all in.

"What happened to your cheek?"

"He hit me. He was going to hit my mom, but missed. I'd rather take it than her, but god, they were like wolves. Just going at it. It was so scary, Channie. I was so scared."

With Chan, I could completely fall apart. He'd put me back together; I knew that. But he let me be in pieces, waiting until he knew I was ready to be put together again.

"Let's go to my house, okay? Did you call your mom? I can text her."

I sucked in a breath. "I called her to get me out of here, but I didn't say I'd be with you."

"Alright, baby. I'll text her. Do you want Binnie with us?" He's always so considerate.

"Yes. Please. Please," I mumble the last 'please', choking up again. It all felt the same. They've dealt with this before. With him coming back and with him leaving. Nothing new. I needed both of them and they knew that.

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