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After the meeting with Kyungho, he informed me that he'd be moving schools. I said that if he needed anyone, to message me. I gave him my number, of course, and walked out.

There was still a good amount of time left for first hour, but I headed straight to the bathroom first. Even though I hadn't cried then, I was actually holding it back. I sunk into the wall, silently letting tears stream down my face. That was a hard thing to admit for him. I felt awful that he lost his mother so soon. He doesn't deserve that.

After about five minutes of cleaning my face, I head back to the geometry classroom and sit down.

"How'd things go?" Minho questions after passing me my assignment.

"It... went," I shrug, "he apologized and admitted to everything."

"So it was him? I knew it. You really didn't deserve that, Jisung. I'm sure your new painting will turn out even better than your first one. What did you say?"

"I said that I didn't forgive him. He is going through a lot right now, but I told him that it wasn't okay. We talked for a bit after and that was basically the end of it."

"I'm proud of you, angel," Minho smiles before the teacher comes back to my desk to give me today's assignment.


I get to my psych class with Changbin before noticing that the older wasn't there yet. He was probably still talking to Felix or something.

The bell rings and Changbin still isn't here. He walked to school with me this morning, maybe he was sick. He did seem a bit quiet this morning. Stupid, Jisung. You should've asked.

The class starts, and twenty minutes later the elder walks in with a flushed face. Not as if he was crying, but as if he had been running.

"Hey," he whispers while sitting at his desk.

"Where were you?" I question, but he waves it off as he starts to write his notes. After class, I still go to question him while we walk to lunch.

"Bin, are you okay? Where were you?"

His face goes red as we walk, "well..." He scratches the nape of his neck before admitting, "Felix and I kind of got in trouble while making out in an empty classroom."

"Oh my god," I burst out laughing, stopping in the middle of the hallway while clutching my stomach. "You guys are fucking insane."

He hits my shoulder, "shut up. The whole school doesn't need to know."

"Actually, anyone could've walked into that classroom. Therefore, it sounds like you guys did want to get caught. You both do this so much. It's like you have a kink or something. You're okay though, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry your little squirrel ass," he rolls his eyes.

"Hey! I have a nice ass. Unlike some short shit over here," I look him up and down with a scoff.

"You just want to get beat, huh-?"

"Hey, my two favorite rappers!" Chan walks towards us, cutting off our argument. Well, until I continue it with the older.

"Who has the better ass? Him or me?" I question, crossing my arms. Changbin and I burst into laughter when we see the blonde's expression.

"I'm not answering that-"

"Jisung does!" Felix suddenly yells, jumping onto Chan's back.

The older Aussie shouts, putting a hand on his chest after being scared to death. He should be used to it, but he's not. Felix slips off after a few seconds before going over to his boyfriend.

"You're roodle!" The shorter yells in English, dramatically waving his hands around.

"Sorry Binnie," Felix chuckles, kissing the raven hair's cheek.

Why So Lonely? || Minsung 1/3 ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now