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The day had gone by. I didn't want to go home, but Changbin had to. He didn't want to leave me by myself, but I kind of needed it. Chan's wasn't too far from my house anyway.

- - - - -

Incoming Call: Ma 🌺
Answer | Decline

"Hi, mom."

"Baby, is everything okay? Chan texted me earlier. What happened?"

"Nothing Ma, I was stressed from school and needed a break. I didn't mean to skip, but it just got overwhelming."

"Gosh, hon, please tell me when that stuff happens. I was worried sick."

"Sorry mom, I'll be sure to do it next time."
Maybe if I wasn't having a breakdown, I'd be able to text her back.

"Minho stopped by earlier. He said something about a science assignment and brought some papers with him."

"Okay. I'll be home in half an hour."

"Alright. Be careful. Love you."

"Love you, too."

- - - - -

I sigh, walking out of the apartment and locking it behind me. I check my messages, frowning at the seven messages from Minho and few from Felix. I did have a few from my mom, but we got that cleared up.

- - - - -

Calling Hubby 🥰

"Jisung, what happened? Are you okay? Where are you? I saw you running out of the school and then Felix came out and then your mom said you weren't home when I went over and-"

"Minho," I interrupt softly, wrapping my arm around to center. It was a bit chilly out.

He takes a deep breath, slowing down and relaxing. Gosh, he can talk fast. "Yeah?"

"Slow down, okay?" I didn't notice how sore my throat was until now.

"Are you okay?"

I clench my jaw, unsure how to answer.
"No, not really, but Chan and Changbin took care of me."

"Can you tell me what happened?"

As I think back, it seems stupid now. All that happened was Heetuk bringing me a coffee. And I got overwhelmed and ran.

Every time I think about him or the issue, my heart beats faster as if he's standing right next to me. That's not normal, is it? The amount of anxiety I get. Am I worrying too much?

"I don't even know what to say," I force out a laugh, the strain stinging my throat. "It's..." It's not dumb, Jisung. "I just need a break. I'm- I'll talk to you later, okay? I can't do it now."

"That's fine, baby. You don't have to tell me. Don't feel pressured to. It's your business."

"I want to, I do." My voice begins to shake. "It's just hard. Really hard." Don't cry again. You've been crying for hours. It hurts. I clear my throat. "Anyway, I'm on my way home now. What papers did you bring?"

"Oh, um, I actually need those back. I didn't know if your mom knew what happened or anything, so I didn't want to get you in trouble. It's my chemistry homework."

A small smile makes its way onto my face. "You're dumb. I'll get them to you tomorrow."

"Thanks," he laughs in embarrassment. "Be safe, okay?"

"I will be."

"I love you a lot, Jisung. You're really strong. I hope you know that."

I get choked up again, holding the phone against my shirt to muffle any sound I made. Gathering myself, I sigh. "I love you, too, Minho. Bye."


Why So Lonely? || Minsung 1/3 ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now