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"Hey, where were you at lunch?" Felix, Changbin's boyfriend, asks me. "Changbin was worried something had happened."

"Oh nothing. Just went to the library to catch up on some homework. No biggie," I brush off, not really understanding why Changbin couldn't just find me himself if he was so worried.

"Oh, okay. So are you ready for the test?" He questions in English, testing me.

"Man, I'm ready. I've been studying," I grin, knowing that I didn't have to study too hard since I had learned a bit of English when I was younger.

"Good luck, mate," he says, sending me a thumbs up before the teacher began talking.


English passes with a flash. I was sure I had gotten an okay grade. I was confident with my answers. And sure enough, Minho was standing by a few lockers next to the classroom.

"Hey Sungie," he beams, his entire face lighting up.

"Hey? Why are you so happy?" I question, wondering where this energy came from.

"Just happy to be able to walk a certain someone to class," he giggles, a childish demeanor coming from his voice.

"Okay then," I clear my throat, "ah, I'm so happy you're here, Minnie! Of all the people that could walk me to class, I'm so happy it was you!" I giggle as well in a kid voice, poking his shoulder.

He stares at me with an expressionless look before grabbing my hand and pulling me forward, "never do that again," he says before busting out into laughter.

I laugh along, happy to be able to make him smile this much, "awe, come on. I know you liked it. You can't resist this adorable face."

"You're right. And that's what scares me," he chuckles, our fingers intertwining instead of him just pulling me by my wrist.

I gasp, "did you just agree that I'm adorable? Oh my gosh, I've found the man of my dreams. Move over ladies, Jisung's here to steal your man."

"Jesus, you're such a crackhead. Then again, you're much worse when we have free time in math class. I can't believe Ms.Chu hasn't realized how many paper airplanes you've thrown into the ceiling."

"I can't believe it either. For as big as those glasses, she can't see shit," I grin, knowing that I was bound to get into trouble.

"Welp- I'll wait for your after detention then," he smiles, "I'll see you later. Have fun. Enjoy learning shit. Don't piss anyone off. Love you, my oogie boogie squirrel," he throws on a baby voice while calling me that nickname.

"Call me that again, and I won't talk to you for weeks," I threaten, glaring at him playfully and not even realizing he had said love you.

"Who is that punishment really affecting though?" he points out, knowing that I'm a very talkative person when it comes to our math class and my goods moods.

"Fuck you," I say, starting to walk into my history class, but not before hearing, 'later baby.'


Ah, the last period of the day. Biology. I really hate this class. Science is so boring, and I'm not very good at it.

"Hey," Hyunjin greets me, a smile growing on his face once he sees me with my own smile. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," I respond, not denying that I wasn't okay earlier when I saw him.

"Jesus, what did Minho do to you? Your smile is so much brighter than my future," he says, shielding his eyes away from my face.

I laugh, "we just talked, that's it."

"ThAt's iT," he mocks, "sure. I'll believe that for now. Lovebirds."

"Hey- what?!" I shout, scaring him, "lovebirds? Bro, no no no. Haha, no. I barely know him."

Why the fuck was I being so defensive?

"Right. Anyway, let's finish this stupid lab report," he says, not believing me one bit.


•I hope our Sungie squirrel gets better. It makes me really happy and gives me relief that Chan said that Jisung was okay and they're helping him•

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