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The drive is silent, other than his shitty music playing on the radio. My hands were clasped together; if I let go, they'd be trembling like crazy.

"How was school?"

"Fine." I was quick to answer, almost snapping back. Why did he even care?

"Jisung, I know I fucked up. I want you to know that I realize that."

I keep my mouth shut, not wanting to start an argument while stuck in the car with him.

"Her and I are done, for real this time. She was toxic and I know that now."



"Now you know that? Not when she was spilling lies to you and using you for everything. Not when she gave you bruises and a bloody nose? And you say you're done now, but I don't believe you. Why? Because that's what you said the last time. That what you said every time until you went back and left your family in the dirt. There is no truth in your words other than that she's toxic. So don't fucking say that to me again."

"You're a real asshole, you know that?"

Great job on not starting an argument.

"Oh, great," I throw my hands up and slap my thighs. "Now you're getting defensive when deep down, you know I'm right. Just take me home. I don't want to talk to you."

"You know nothing of what happened, Jisung. So I don't know why you're being such a prick."

I laugh loudly. Did this asshole just say I knew nothing? "I know nothing? That's funny. I love how you believe that."

"What do you know, huh?"

"I was there, you know. When you were getting arrested. Oh, and the first time the cops were called in. Yeah, I was there. I talked to them. Let them know how abusive she really was. I defended you, yet you still treat me like trash."

He says nothing. Just drives until we make it to my neighborhood. He pulls into the driveway of my house. Not ours. Mine.

"Our family was always there for you. Is always there for you. Every time you needed help or you were so-called done with her, we came and got you. But still, to this day, you don't give a shit. You keep using us like we mean nothing. And it really, really fucking hurts."

I stare at him, watching him try to say something. I get out of the car quickly, ignoring whatever bullshit he was going to say.

I have a headache.

- - - - -

Hubby 🥰

hey, is everything

i'm gonna lay
down for a bit.
i don't feel well.

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