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As I waited with my eyes closed, I heard his breathing shake a bit. Worry filled my bones, but quickly disappeared when I felt him shift.

Lips were suddenly pressed to mine, and my eyes snapped open. I couldn't deny that his lips were warm and comforting. My heart did flips as I let my eyes fall closed.

Seconds passed and he pulled away, leaving my eyes still closed. Cold air fell upon my lips, my eyes fluttering open. Silence erupted once again before he started moving off of me. He eyes never met mine, though he looked like he was about to cry.

Out of reflex, or whatever it was, I wrapped my arms around his waist, keeping him from leaving.

"Please don't leave," I whisper, keeping my head held high even though my anxiety was through the roof.

"I-I'm sorry Jisung. I don't know what came over me," he stumbled over his words. I could feel that he wanted to leave because he was embarrassed, but I refused to let him go. "I-I didn't mean to. We b-barely even know each other. We just talk in Math. I'm sorry."

I wasn't sure what to say, so I said nothing. Instead, I pulled him closer, burying my head into his shoulder. The movie played in the background, but neither of us spoke.

"It's okay," I say, making both of us look up at each other, "I'm not really sure what to say except please don't leave. You make me feel things that I don't know how to describe. I know we don't really know each other well, but we can fix that. You don't have to apologize."

I just didn't want him to leave. He was the first person to not make me feel isolated and alone. My parents couldn't even accomplish doing that.

"I... yes, I would like to get to know you better," he breathes out, seeming as if relief had spread through his fingertips right as I started speak. "You make me feel things as well, though I'm not sure what it is. But we can figure that out together."

That night, we stayed close to each other. I was content with that. We finished the movie and, of course, I ended up crying. The ending always got to me, no matter how many times I watched it. I always put myself in that little girl's shoes.

"Sungie," Minho cooed, cupping my cheek while brushing away my tears with his thumb. "Angel, it's okay. It's just a movie."

"I know," I laughed softly, wiping my face with my sleeve. "It's just so sad."

The credits came on, but we just sat there. I began to chuckle, and the older boy gave me a questioning look.

"I've cried three times today. I'm drained," I say, laying my head on the back of the couch.

"My poor angel. Let's go to bed, yeah?" He asks, although it was only a bit past 9pm.

He brushes some hair out of my face when I nod and I smile. I stand, stretching my slightly stiff muscles from sitting so long.

"I'll show you the guest room-"

"Can I sleep with you?" He questions, making my eyes widen and my face grow warm.

"Sure," I respond, already having thought about asking him to stay in my room.

The way he said it, as well, was so confident. Even if I didn't want him to, I probably would've let him anyway.

Why So Lonely? || Minsung 1/3 ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now