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"During the war of..."

My hand mindlessly moves across my notebook, my eyes flickering up to the board and back to the paper.

I was fucking tired.

I hadn't been sleeping well at all. Staying up to almost four was becoming a routine. A bad one. Sometimes I wouldn't sleep at all. Minho was unaware of my sleeping problems, as was everyone else. I knew that I refused to sleep weeks earlier, but this time I'm not doing it. I'm unable to sleep. I've developed an unhealthy habit of sleeping in school.

I was too scared to sleep at night. If I did, I knew I'd end up having a nightmare. I never used to be afraid of them. I'm so afraid now.

My head falls forward, it shooting up not even a second later. My eyelids drooped, feeling as if a string of rocks was pulling them down. Gravity wasn't on my side today.

I lay my head on the desk, the board still being in my view. I sat in the back, near the window. If I did fall asleep, the teacher wouldn't notice.

I sigh against the paper, my letters being sloppy and barely on the line. Once my eyelids began to droop again, I couldn't fight it.


"Jisung, wake up," a hand shook my shoulder.

I groan softly, lifting my head to look at the owner. I see Minho.

"Did the bell ring?"

"Yeah. You weren't coming out so I came in to see what was taking so long," he explains with an eyebrow raised.

I nod, slowly collecting my things, "what's that look for?"

"You have bags under your eyes. You're sleeping in class. Have you been getting enough sleep at night?"

"Of course. I might stay up a little bit, but I sleep fine," I lie, it feeling wrong as soon as it came out of my mouth.

"Don't lie to me."

Caught in a lie, as BTS' Jimin once said.

"Minho, I'm fine. Just nightmares. It's hard to go to sleep after them. I read a few pages of a book and then I go back to sleep. I swear I'm fine though." Half lie.

"I'm worried about you, Jisung. This isn't okay. I've never seen someone have so many nightmares. You need to see a doctor."

"Nightmares are caused by stress. School is stressful. It's fine, it'll go away," I reassure, the lie becoming more believable as I speak.

He shakes his head, "let's go. We're going to the library so you can sleep."

"What? No," I refuse, "I can't just skip a class. My parents will kill me."

"Fine then. I'll go talk to Mr.Jung. He loves me. He'll understand. I'll tell Hyunjin to get your notes or whatever you're doing in there."


"Don't argue with me," he growls. He wasn't being mean. He was caring for my wellbeing.

I huff, pouting, not saying anything back.


Minho grabs my hand after leaving the biology classroom, taking us to the library. I was kind of thankful. I hated science and I needed sleep. Win-win, I guess?

In the library, there was a couch and a few stray comfy chairs along with tables and harder chairs. He sat down on the couch, letting me sit next to him.

"Take a nap. I'll drive you home after school," he reassures, having a book in hand.

I pout, liking that he was a bit demanding. Not in a kinky way. It just made me feel important. Someone worthwhile.

Swinging my legs over the couch arm, I rest my head in his lap. His thighs were thick, and I mean thiccc. Damn, how did I get so lucky?

I close my eyes, immediately feeling the drowsiness. Before I fall asleep, I speak up, "I'm scared to sleep."

"Why's that, angel?"

"Nightmares," I admit, breathing the word out softly as if it was a curse word.

"You'll be okay, I'm right here." I could hear the sympathy in his voice. I knew he wanted to help me. He just couldn't.

Why So Lonely? || Minsung 1/3 ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now