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I couldn't even imagine how Changbin was feeling. To have someone you love taken away from you. Not taken taken, but you know. The couple was clingy as is. How would they do apart? How would our group do apart?

We all sat in Felix's living room, silently discussing our points to make to his parents. We were thinking rationally. We'd help him get a job. He'd stay with Chan. The people with licenses would help him get to school.

Soon enough, the time came. His parents came in, confused as to why all seven of us were there. Felix asked them to sit down, trembling in Changbin's grasp.

"Felix, what's going on?" His dad asks, worried that something was wrong.

"Um." You could already hear how shaky his voice was, and he had said nothing. "They... I told them about Australia."

"Oh, honey..." His mom's lips turn downward. "I'm sorry boys."

"We came here to ask for permission," Chan steps up, noticing Lix's hesitance.

"Permission? Permission for what?"

"We want Felix to stay until he graduates."

"And how could he possibly do that? He's underage, he doesn't have a living area, he doesn't have money. I'm not going to leave my son in another country by himself."

"He wouldn't be by himself. He has us. He can live with me. Minho said he'd get him a job at his workplace. We'd help him get to school."

"I'm sorry, Chan, but there's no way we're leaving him. This is crazy what you're asking of us."

"Have you given thought to what he wants?" Changbin speaks up. "These years are his final years at high school. He doesn't want to start over again. Australia may be his childhood home, but his home now is with us. We will take care of him, I promise. We all promise."

The Lee's sit there contemplating. We all cross our fingers, praying that he could stay. We would be lost without him.

"Felix, is this what you really want? Do you want to stay here with them? Are you okay with doing all of that? Living with Chan, getting a job, and everything on top of it."

I could see from my seat that he was squeezing Changbin's hand hard. So hard that his fingers were turning white.

"Yes. I want to stay with them."

Mr.Lee looks at his wife, waiting for her approval or denial. They whisper to one another, nodding and having serious expressions.

"You Can Stay, Felix."

Everyone breaths in relief, and Felix starts crying. He stands, going over to hug his parents tightly. "Thank you guys so much."

"We'll talk more about the details later."

He nods, kissing his mom's cheek. "Okay. Thank you. Really, thank you."

The Lee parents smile.


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