Chapter 4: First Day Of School

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Sheffield struggled to fall asleep. His stomach growled in hunger, which put him in a foul mood and made it all the more difficult to get some sleep. He had too much pride and wouldn't allow himself to grab some food downstairs secretly.   

When Sheffield heard a soft knock on his door, his eyes suddenly opened.   

Alina waited for a few moments, but there was no response from inside the room. She wasn't sure whether to knock again or leave. If he had fallen asleep and woken up because of her, it would be a disaster.   

She knew how irritating it was to be disturbed while she was asleep.   

As she contemplated her next move, the door suddenly opened a crack. The light from inside the room cast a warm glow on Sheffield's expressionless face. Alina was so frightened and surprised at the sight that she almost threw the bowl of noodles at him.

The room was almost pitch black, aside from the light emanating from the lamp. Sheffield's dark eyes were fixated on Alina, and he quirked a brow up at her as if he was waiting for an explanation as to why she was bothering him.

"Are you hungry? I made some noodles for you." Alina tentatively held out the bowl of noodles towards him.   

The delicious scent of the noodles reached his nose, which made Sheffield swallow audibly.   

He shook his head and returned to his senses, feeling flustered and ashamed that he would want anything that Alina had to offer. “Get out of here!” he bellowed. After that, he slammed the door in her face.   

It wasn't unusual for Sheffield to lose his temper, so she resolved that she would learn to bear with it.

Alina took a deep breath to gather her courage and knocked on the door again.   

With an impatient look on his face, Sheffield opened the door and yelled, "Are you out of your mind? I don't want any of your cooking!" He slammed the door in her face a second time.   

Alina let out a frustrated sigh in front of the door and mimed his words in a mocking tone. "Are you out of your mind? I don't want to eat your cooking!"

'You are the one losing your mind! If you weren't the hero, I would certainly give you an earful.   

Fine, suit yourself! If you don't want to eat, I'll enjoy this bowl of noodles for myself! I didn't have much for dinner, so this would be the perfect snack,' she thought to herself.

Alina didn't go back to her room just yet. She leaned against the handrail along the corridor stairs and began to eat the noodles she prepared.    'This is delicious! The egg and coriander smell great! I should remember to put more coriander in my noodles next time!'   

When she finished eating her noodles, Alina heaved a sigh and patted her stomach in satisfaction.

The next morning, Alina was in a deep sleep when her alarm clock jolted her awake. She struggled to open her eyes and clear her head. Taking a peek out the window, she noticed that the sun was barely out. 'Damn it! Who set this alarm? The sun's not even out yet!'   

It took her a few moments to realize who and where she was. She slowly got up and turned to switch off the alarm. It seemed like she was going to be a high school student again.

After she freshened up, Alina noticed that the young girl staring back at her reflection had delicate features and flawless skin. The girl had a slim figure and was brimming with youthful charm.   

Alina giggled to herself as she patted her fresh face dry. Her skin was supple and smooth to the touch.

"Good morning, Alina. It's getting late. You should have breakfast and head to school in a bit." The butler's voice came from outside the room and interrupted Alina's thoughts.    "Alright!" Alina grabbed her backpack and made her way downstairs.   

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