Chapter 88: Rejoice In Vain

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"Good. You've all learned to bet!" The head teacher smiled faintly, "Alaina, you made the bet, didn't you?"

Alina replied proudly, "Yes."

The head teacher's face suddenly changed, "Who allowed you to bet? Is this what a student should do?"

Alina's smile froze on her face.

Randy lowered his head, but he felt a little lucky. It would be great if the head teacher cancelled the bet.

"You think three years in high school are a long time, but actually three years are really short, just in the blink of an eye. If you don't study hard now, I believe you will regret it in the future!"

The head teacher said earnestly, "Knowledge is never more than enough. It's too late when you really understand it."

Most of the students didn't listen carefully, except Alina.

Back then, there were four girls of the same age in their village who studied together. One of them graduated from junior high school, two from senior high school and one from university.

Ten years later, the one who graduated from junior high school worked in a factory, got married early, and then worked in a factory after marriage. As for the two high school graduates, one started her own small business, and the other took care of her child at home after marriage and became a housewife.

She graduated from university and worked in a company as an engineer. She worked nine to five. She had five social insurances and housing fund and two days off.

From this, it could be seen that the four people were in different employment status. There was no distinction between jobs. But some jobs were decent, easy and pay well, while some not. The society was very realistic.

College entrance examination was very cruel. In fact, for most of the ordinary people, studying hard was the easiest way to make themselves stand out.

Unfortunately, when they were young, most people didn't understand this. They thought that they were bound to be useful!

Talents were naturally useful. A stone could be carved into a Buddha statue and worshiped by tens of thousands of people, or it could be used to pave the way.

Their value determined other people's attitude towards them.

It was just like a person's economic conditions determined his position in the family. Most adults should have this kind of feeling. If they had money and could make money, they could be more confident in front of their family or relatives. If they didn't have money, they didn't dare to speak for fear of being scolded by others.

Of course, the teenagers couldn't understand these things. Therefore, they didn't take the head teacher's words seriously.

"Then... Sir, will the bet be invalid?" This was what Randy cared about the most.

After all, it was a little embarrassing to take off the clothes and run around the playground.

He said so much, but what the students cared most was the bet. Mr. Su felt so helpless.

"Who says the bet is invalid? You go to run after class is over!"

"Ahhh..." Those boys went wild.

"You deserve it!"

Ding... The afternoon bell rang, followed by ten minutes of newspaper reading. Then came the first class in the afternoon.

It didn't matter what the first class was, but when it was over. Everyone was waiting to see Randall and the others' streaking.

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