Chapter 9: Call The Police

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When Alina sat back down, she wanted to ask Yana if she knew anything. However, Yana looked like she was in a trance, and it would be impossible to get anything out of her. Alina had no choice but to give up. Their next class would be Geography. Alina found her book on the desk and leisurely flipped through it before class started.

Several boys stood outside in the hallway, observing Alina through the windows. They were disappointed to find that she had no plans of rummaging through her desk.

The bell rang, signaling that the next class was about to start.

The Geography teacher was a young man who looked like he was in his mid-twenties. He wore a casual suit with a pair of simple rimmed glasses. The man looked friendly and harmless. 

"Last time, we learned about the division of the seasons. Today, we'll be discussing another chapter about the structure of the earth. Please make sure that you take notes of all the key points."

Alina couldn't find a pen, so she rummaged through her desk to find one.

She couldn't find what she was looking for, but she felt something soft, long, and thin in her hand. When she realized what it was, her whole body stiffened and she almost let out a scream.   

She sank her teeth into her lower lip to keep herself from making a sound.   

The snake inside her desk must have been fake. She knew it since she had touched a real snake before. The texture of a real snake was rough to the touch.   

With a blank expression on her face, Alina looked over her shoulder. She saw several boys who looked at her with mocking smiles.   

She instantly knew that they were the ones behind it.   

Alina calmly reached for a pen and shot them a cold smile. 'Stop trying to be heroes! They have a lot of nerve challenging me!' she thought bitterly to herself.   

She didn't give them the satisfaction of seeing her frazzled and afraid, which disappointed them.   

After class, someone asked Cary if he had put the snake too deep in her desk, which prevented her from touching it. They blamed him for their failed prank.

Cary immediately defended himself and told them that he put it in the middle and Alina should've touched it.   

They had a heated discussion on the matter, but it wasn't like they could ask Alina to confirm their suspicions. They had no choice but to accept their failure.   

The fake snake's owner frowned and asked, "What's going to happen to my snake? I spent a few dollars on that. Who's going to help me get it back?"   

"Get it by yourself!"   

The fake snake's owner was in a foul mood because he wasted a few dollars on a failed prank.   

While Alina was doing her homework, a girl walked over and asked, "Alina, I don't have a new notebook. Will you lend me one?"   

Alina turned to take a look at the girl. She noticed that this was the girl seated in the same row as her.

When she was about to say yes, she noticed that there was a mischievous glint in her eyes.

A thought suddenly occurred to her.

"The new notebook is inside my desk. You can get it yourself."

The girl noticed that Alina wouldn't fall for her trap. She froze and said awkwardly, "It's fine, forget about it. I remember that I have a notebook in my bag already!"   

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