Chapter 64: Sister

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"Grandma!" Leo frowned gloomily.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm getting old and always say something stupid. Young lady, have some tea."

After drinking tea with Granny Tang for nearly an hour, Alina drank a lot of water and wanted to go to the washroom. "Well, madam, where is the washroom?"

"Washroom? Oh, let Leo take you there." Granny Tang looked at her grandson with a smile.

Alina was a little embarrassed, but since he had stood up, she didn't refuse. She whispered, "Thank you."

Leo walked in front of her, while Alina was one step behind. They walked silently.

"Go this way and turn right." Leo suddenly stopped and looked sideways.

"Oh, thank you."

Leo looked at Alina expressionlessly. He didn't withdraw his sight until she turned right and couldn't be seen anymore. Then he stood there straight.

Alina came out after washing her hands. When she turned a corner, she was shocked to see Leo standing there like a sculpture. "You don't have to wait for me. I won't get lost at such a short distance."

Leo gave her a look and went back silently.

Looking at his back, Alina paused and then followed him.

Seeing they come back, Granny Tang said enthusiastically, "You're back. Have a seat. I've changed another kind of tea. Have a taste!"

Alina's mouth twitched when she heard her words.

So, the reason why Leo took her here for more than an hour was to drink tea with his grandmother? She really didn't understand what rich kids thought.

The guest is up to the host. Alina had no right to speak here, so she had to pull out a chair and sit down again.

After going to the washroom again, Alina learned her lesson. Instead of drinking all the tea in one gulp, she sipped, as if she was drinking whisky.

Finally, it was time for lunch. The dishes were quite abundant, but Alina didn't dare to eat too much. She tried her best to restrain herself when eating, because she didn't want others to think she was ill bred.

Leo was very quiet all the time. He was immersed in his own world and was eating his food seriously.

During the meal, Alina was exhausted. She should not only maintain the image of a lady, but also occasionally respond to Granny Tang from time to time. She felt that she came here just to ask for trouble.

Seeing Granny Tang put down her chopsticks, Alina quickly finished the food in her bowl and said she was full. "A cup of tea after dinner is good for health!" Granny Tang made a cup of tea for each of them.

Staring at the tea leaves floating in the cup, Alina didn't want to say anything. She just wanted to be alone.

Noticing that Alina didn't move her eyes from the cup for a long time, Granny Tang strongly recommended, "Have a try. This is the Xinyang Maojian tea from an old friend of mine!"

Alina pretended to smell it, took a sip and commented, "Well, it smells good."

"Let me tell you something. There are many kinds of Maojian tea. What I love most is the Xinyang Maojian. It has a strong fragrance and a clear green color..."

Alina's head was buzzing. Was she going to start again?

"Grandma, Alaina and I need to go out for a while." Leo stood up and said when his grandmother stopped talking.

Alina was stunned, and the expression on her face immediately turned into gratitude. 'Boy, thank you so much. You are my savior!'

"Yes, madam. We have something to deal with outside."

The smile on Granny Tang's face disappeared. She looked around and lowered her eyes to look at the teacup. She seemed to say casually, "Since you have something to do, go ahead and be safe outside."

"Okay, bye, madam."

After walking out of the gate, Alina took a deep breath and said to Leo gratefully, "Thank you for calling me out. I drank more tea today than I did in the first half of my life!"

Leo turned to look at Alina and said calmly and affirmatively, "You don't like tea."

"No, I'm really not interested in tea. I really don't understand why it tastes so bitter."

Leo's eyes flashed and said, "Let me show you around."

"Okay." Alina thought that she could do anything as long as she didn't have to go back to have tea.

Leo took Alina across the village and came to a stream. There was a stone bridge over the stream. The stone bridge was actually made up of several poles.

Looking at the green stream, Alina was in a good mood. Shading the sun with her hand, she looked down at the stream and said to Leo, "There should be a lot of fish and shrimps in this stream, right?"

"Yes." Leo's eyes were dark and distant.

Alina turned her head and smiled, "You must have caught fish and crabs in this stream when you were a child, right?"

Leo was shocked. "How do you know?"

She was not blind. Looking at the stream, Leo seemed to miss something. What else could he miss besides catching fish and shrimps?

Of course, she couldn't say that she guessed it, so she answered mysteriously, "Maybe I have stayed here in my previous life."

There was also a stream in her village, about the same width as this one. When she was a child, she took a shower, washed vegetables and clothes, and caught fish and shrimps in the stream. When she grew up, the stream was polluted and no one dared to wash anything in it.

A tinge of joy and disbelief flashed across Leo's face. He stared at Alina and asked with excitement, "You remember this place, don't you?"

Thinking of the village in her world, Alina answered ambiguously, "Maybe."

"Great!" All of a sudden, Leo hugged Alina tightly and his face kept rubbing against her cheek. "That's great!"

What happened? Alina was confused. She wanted to push him away, but the more she pushed, the tighter he held.

"Let me go! I'm almost out of breath!"

"I'm sorry!" Leo let go of Alina and looked at her somewhat at a loss. He asked with guilt and cautiousness, "Are you all right? I didn't mean it!"

Alina waved her hand and said, "I'm fine. Don't worry."

Then, Leo completely changed his attitude towards Alina. He not only took good care of her, but also was very obedient to her. Alina wondered whether he had been a different person.

At the corner of the stream, Leo pointed at a small bridge made of logs and said dejectedly, "I've caught fish here before, and once I fell into the water. Fortunately, I was saved by my elder sister."

It was the first time Alina heard him mention his elder sister. She was a little surprised. "You have an elder sister?"

"Yes, we are twins. She is a few minutes older than me."

"Wow, where is she now?"

Staring at the bridge, Leo said slowly, "She... She died. When she was twelve years old, the water rose after the rain. She came here to catch fish for me and accidentally fell into the stream and drowned."

Alina didn't expect this. She didn't know what to say.

"It's all my fault. If it weren't for me, she wouldn't have fallen into the water..." Leo covered his face, squatted down and sobbed sadly.

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