Day 1

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Stay positive and don't allow the Devil to steal your happiness and joy as today is a blessing from the Most High! Even though you may have fallen six times God is always nearby to help you rise the seventh time for you are a child of God! A magnificent and handcrafted individual who hails from a royal priesthood and is part of a chosen generation. So be patient and have trust in the Lord that all your prayers will be answered at their appointed time not your time, for God is not Uber Eats but he will surely give you something beyond your wildest of dreams, my brethren.

But any who stay positive and steadfast in your faith for the Lord is always with you and will never forsake you or leave you regardless of what you may have done today or in your past. Our Lord and Savior's love is boundless and beyond understanding for he forgives us even when we believe we are not worthy of his love or blessings. And with that, I hope you have a wonderful day, whoever you may be as you are a blessing not a curse to our world and I will see you all tomorrow!

Daily PositivityOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora