Day 7

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Good Morning, My Fellow Kings and Queens

May God guide your steps, renew your mind, and strengthen your spirit for today is a glorious day of joy, prosperity, abundance, wisdom, creativity, and gratitude. So, give praise to the Most High for has given you another day to grow closer to him and build a more interpersonal and open relationship with him.

For honesty is the best policy, when communicating with the Father as prayer is just an honest conversation with God, and while you may not always have the words to articulate yourself. God knows your heart and what you are trying to say, plus just being in his presence and allowing him to work through you.

Gives you peace beyond understanding for peace is not something but someone.

So may your day be peaceful and prosperous for God is with you every step of the way, and he will never leave you nor forsake you. And he hears every prayer you say, however, sometimes to make that dream into a reality you must become something new.

For our eyes cannot see what lies in the darkness that surrounds us, so at times it may take a while for God to answer our prayers, however, when he does it is never too late nor too early.

As his timing is impeccable, so stop worrying and stressing about whether God is attentive to your cries or not, for God is not the author of the confusion. But our enemy surely is for we do not fight against flesh and blood but the principalities of evil and the forces of darkness; so, stay steadfast in your belief and have faith that is with you throughout this storm no matter how crazy or damaging it may be.

God is always with us and only a prayer away, also it is during these times God is making you realize that man cannot help you and it is only through him you will have a fighting chance. For with man, it is impossible but with God it is possible.

So, stay positive and keep your head up for God is your redeemer and your provider and he makes a way when there is no way. For the Lord we serve is a living and breathing God whose wondrous works have been seen and documented since the start of time of man.

So, to end it off, have faith and go about your day as usual for God is with you every step of the way and I will see you all tomorrow, bye!

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