Day 13

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Good Afternoon, My Fellow Kings, and Queens

I know this is a bit late, however, I hope you all are having a fantastic Sunday as a new week blossoms into existence. But any who today's message is simple seek the kingdom first and everything else will fall into place.

Now this may be hard or easy for some as we all met God at different times in our lives and maybe aren't yet at a place where we can say God is the number one priority in our lives. And there's nothing wrong with that as everyone's walk with God initially wasn't perfect.

So before you start beating yourself up on backsliding or not being perfect in God's eye, know that God isn't calling us to be for us to be flawless. Considering we are made of flesh and blood and we will at times stumble and fall but don't allow that to keep you down.

Or cause you to fall even further into sin and away from God, for when we do fall know that God is right there to pick you up if you surrender to him and call upon his name. For God isn't just a source of strength in difficult and strenuous times, but also a friend and a comforter to those in need who think they are nothing when they are something.

For you were made for a purpose and a reason, that doesn't just affect you but everyone connected to you. So when times get tough or the voices start to become too loud to bear, pray and ask for strength, healing, guidance, assurance, comfort, refuge, and whatever you may need in that time.

For Jesus is a gentleman, so unless you confess with your lips and ask with your heart, he will never barge in, my friend. So may today be a turning place in your life, for God loves you and all he wants is a relationship with you. Also, do spend time reading his word and meditating on its meaning and significance for it holds the knowledge of what you seek and answers, you can not begin to fathom. 

And that's about it, so peace, and I hope the rest of your day is amazing!

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