Day 17

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Good Morning, My Fellow Kings and Queens

May your path be straight, and the way narrow as God guides your steps, renews your mind, and strengthens your spirit. For he is with you every step of the way, so don't fret or worry for God will never leave you nor forsake as he is but a prayer away. So do call upon him when in distress for he shall hear your cry and deliver you from your troubles.

As with but the faith of mustard seed you can move mountains, so nothing should be impossible for thy to accomplish for we serve a God of Miracles and Wonders, which says in Matthew 19:26, "With men it is impossible but with God all things are possible." So walk by faith and not by sight and don't be misled to believe that things aren't changing for you as it says in Revelation 3:8, "I know thy works; behold I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it; for thou has a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name."

So, while you may think God does not hear your cries or is not aware of your plight, I am here to tell you he does so have faith and stay steadfast as everything will work out for your betterment and not your impairment. As long as you stay patient and do not lose faith; for the longer the wait, the greater the blessing.

Also, where you are weak God is strong, so stay positive and keep God first in everything you do for his plans, thoughts, and ways are above ours as he has plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11) In Jesus Name Amen!!!

So, stay positive and I hope you all have a wonderful day filled with blessings and prosperity, and I will see you all tomorrow, ✌️!

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