Day 16

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Goodnight, My Fellow Kings, and Queens 

I know this is quite late to be uploading, however, I want to say thank you for all the support and love you all have shown me. Even though it may seem like nothing to you all, it means a lot to me as not only do I get to spread the gospel, but also have an impact on a person's life. 

Considering, while you all may not know me from a can of paint, through this platform I can interact and reach people from all over the world. So, thank you for the support and I hope you all have a wonderful Summer filled with blessings upon blessings. 

As this dates, the official end of my first year of college which would not have been possible without God and so many other factors at play. But throughout it all, God was surely the leading figure as without his strength, mercy, grace, lovingkindness and so much more I would have never been able to meet so many amazing and wonderful people. 

I got to experience life away from home and family, and while it was not easy, thankfully, God never cast me away or listened to my pleas for death. But instead directed me toward a community of fellow Christians and Godfearing people from all walks of life. 

So, to end it off no matter how difficult or stressful life may get know that God loves you and that you have the strength to overcome anything the world and Satan throw at you. "For greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world." (1 John 4:4) 

In Jesus' Name Amen! And I will see you all tomorrow, ✌️! Also, walk by faith and not by sight, for with God all things are possible, so do not allow the enemy to feed you lies and take you off your pivot. "For you are more than a conqueror through he that loves you", (Romans 8:37) Amen!

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