Day 8

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Good morning, my fellow Kings, and Queens

May your way be prosperous, and your day be filled with love and happiness for today is another opportunity to build and grow closer to God. In a time when the fake is uplifted and the real are shunned; and confusion is more present than ever in our world.

So, while you still have breath in your body, repent for your sins and be made into a new creature as the world is entering a period of darkness where the light of millions is being extinguished, due to the plans of the enemy.

Who only wants to steal, kill, and destroy, so be vigilant and of a sober mind as we do not only fight against the forces of evil but also flesh and blood. However, you all have nothing to fear for God resides within you and he is greater than the force that resides in the world, so use this time to find God for yourself and get into his word for his word is truth, and it's by denying our flesh and following him that our way can be prosperous.

So, take some time today to begin building a relationship with him and allowing him to work through you and nurture a seed of light within you. For while our enemy may seem scary and impossible to overcome, through God we have the power to trample over snakes and scorpions, and while the Devil may tempt you with time, he shall flee with his tail tucked between his legs.

For God's anointing is upon you also through reading his word daily and remembering his promises, he can overcome anything the enemy or the world may throw at us. For we serve a God of miracles who can heal the terminally ill, mend broken bones and hearts, revive the dead and so much more.

If only you were willing to let him in for God does not force anyone to follow him, but do know this while the world may say all these things about God and why you should not follow Christianity?

Would such an evil and cruel being, bankrupt Heaven and sacrifice his only begotten son for our sins, so that we may have a chance at eternal life and be born again through him, be such a bad person?

Ask yourself for all God requires of us is that we follow his commandments, deny our flesh & pick up our cross, and just stay faithfully, for the only way we will get to know the Father is through Jesus Christ who is the way, truth, and life.

So, stay positive and keep your head up, for God is with you every step of the way and he will never leave you or forsake you. For the he that is within you is greater than he that is in the world and if God is with you who can be against you? So, stay steadfast and allow God to carry you forward as his thoughts and ways are above our own and his plans are greater than our wildest of dreams.

So, relinquish control of the things you can and cannot control to him and live every day knowing that the Lord we serve is mighty and there is no problem too big or too small that he cannot solve! And I will see you all tomorrow, ✌️!

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