Day 4

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Stay positive and do not allow yourself to feel burdened by the issues of life and the problems, you are currently facing that you do not have solutions to. For while everything in your life may not be making sense, I assure God is working behind the scenes to make your situation better as there cannot be creation without destruction. Meaning if you want better, you must do better like working out which makes you weaker rather than stronger when you first begin, but as time goes by won't you see the fruits of your labor?

So instead of stressing yourself out and worrying about something that will not magically change overnight or maybe it will, I believe it would be in your best interest to relinquish control of the things you cannot control and control the things. Such as your attitude, reaction, opinion, and perspective, considering everything that happens in your life whether coincidental or not, happens for a reason.

And while you may think otherwise, did not these situations you hate with a passion and wish never occurred, teach you a valuable lesson that you still use today? As everything in life works to build you, not demolish you, and if it does it is meant to show you, the beauty hidden underneath the rubble that you and the world could not see. 

As life is beautiful, so cherish these wonderful moments with friends and families and make the best of your situation. For in time, everything will change and a year from now you will be unrecognizable as every day is a chance to do better than yesterday. So, stay safe and have hope that life will work out as intended for God will never leave you or forsake you and I will you all tomorrow! ✌️

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