Day 3

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Stay positive as it is better to be happy than sad, so find the positive in every situation as life could have been worse but it is not my friend. So, give praise to our Lord and Savior and go about your day with a smile for you are a blessing to those around you and not a curse.

No matter what you may say or think the world is not against you, it is you verse yourself just like Nipsey Hussle said, "Would rather be at peace with the world and war with yourself or at war with the world and at peace with yourself?" Powerful words from the legend and may his soul rest in peace.

But anywho it speaks to our situation as most feel isolated from the world or that no one understands them, which is a lie it is just that most do not dare to be vulnerable as they believe they will be taken for granted and abused as all their cards are exposed to the enemy.

When all long who held the power to dictate your life and bring yourself to the next level so stop allowing these naysayers and everyone who believes you will not make it to tell you are not worthy, adequate, or talented enough to bring your vision to life.

The same vision God gave you not the world so, stop telling people your dreams and allowing everyone to know what you are up to and just work in the shadows. During the time everyone is asleep, you have the chance to work in silence away from the hustle and bustle of life.

Since the only opinion that matters in life is yours so stop giving people the authority and power to dictate your future outcome. For your environment, family, and friends have no right to say what you can and cannot do or accomplish, so live every day as if it was your last doing everything in your power to bring these lofty dreams to fruition for nothing is impossible.

Only if you believe it to be as the stats are the limit and to end it off, I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day for you my friend is a god given gift to the world. Who shall one day shine brighter than the Sun and live a life only a few can imagine, so have faith and stay steadfast in your belief and everything in life should work out as intended as God does not give you more than you can bear.

So those dreams you call impossible, he sees to be truly possible just have faith and believe for God is with you every step of the way my fellow Kings and Queens and I will see you tomorrow! ✌️

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