Day 30

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Goodnight My Fellow Kings and Queens 

I know this is not the usual time, I upload but today has been pretty hectic for me, so cut me some slack. Considering spring break just ended for me and I am right back in college, tsk... 

But anywho stay positive and keep God first in everything that you do, for when life gets tough or just downright frustrating, he is the only one we can truly rely on. "For with men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible." (Matthew 19:26) 

So, keep your head up and have faith that everything will work out in your favor, for God does not give us more than we can bear. So, stop complaining and just accept things for how they are and move on, for some things just will not change no matter how much you try, my brethren. 

However, while you may not have the power or strength to accomplish such a feat that does not mean God cannot, "so cast all your cares upon him, for he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7) 

And with that, I hope you had an amazing day, and I will see you all tomorrow, 😊✌️! Also, do remember God is with you every step of the way, so do not fret or worry for you are more than a conqueror through the one that loves you, In Jesus Name Amen!

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