Day 5

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Stay positive and have faith in yourself for you can do anything you put your mind to, so do not allow anyone to tell you what you can and cannot do! For the stars are the limit and only you have the authority and power to reach such a height, so stop allowing people who cannot see your dream and vision to tell you it is impossible to become what you envisioned, my friend.

So, if you want to write a story that has never been written go for it because you never know where it may take you. Plus, while in the beginning, it may look messy and all over the place, in the end, it shall be gorgeous and well-planned. Just have faith and do not allow these mini pit stops on your journey to excellence to hinder your growth and halt your progress. For it is better to take slow and steady steps and learn the craft than to rush to the end and cut corners; for nothing in life that comes easy is good for you.

So, stay positive and keep your head up, for better days are on the way and nothing in life lasts over as every day is a new day. Another chance and another opportunity to not only change your life but the lives of those around you, just do not give up and keep shooting for the stars. For God is with you every step of the way so, have faith and keep believing for one day all the work you put in, the blood you shed, and the restless nights you had thinking and planning for the future will pay off, my friend.

As hard work does pay off it is just that most want the fast route rather than the slow grind, so stay true to yourself and live the life you want to live. Since if you can dream it, you can achieve it, and I will see you all tomorrow! ✌️

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