Day 13

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Good Morning, My Fellow Kings, and Queens

For my fellow Floridians, stay warm as this weather is a bit unusual, but hey that's life for you so try to stay warm and keep God first as the day is usually better when you know that nothing will faze you or knock you off your course.

For you already said your prayers and asked God for protection and guidance before you even stepped out the door and went about your day. Considering, that those who seek his face daily, have nothing to fear for if God is with you who can be against you as he that is within is greater than he that is in the world? 

So do not fret or worry for God is with you wherever you go even when he is silent, so have faith in our Lord and Savior that he will get you through this in one piece to see tomorrow's sunrise as everything happens for a reason.

And with that mentality, you can be more accepting of life's curve balls and rapid shifts in pace, for God will never give you more than you can bear, for he knows you better than you know yourself. So, stop allowing the world or even yourself to tell you what God has called you to do is impossible, for God says in Matthew 19:26 KJV, "With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible."

So, stay positive and see the beauty in everything for while life may not be sunshine and butterflies, it is something greater than that as long as you stop and take the time out of your busy schedule to smell the roses. Along this narrow but straight path; so stay steadfast and seek God first in everything you do as God will never forsake nor leave you to all those who keep his commandants and statutes.

And believeth and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior with all their heart, for it is through him we can be born again and made into a new creature.

And I will see you all tomorrow, ✌️!

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