Day 2

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Good Afternoon, My Fellow Kings and Queens

I am not going to lie to you all, but this week is going to be hectic... so expect the usual upload time to be a bit random and out of place as I must study for three exams. That I knew was coming up, but I procrastinated to study as who wants to study yet look at me now,🤦?

But anywho... I hope you all have a wonderful day and do remember to keep God first in everything you do as he will never steer you in the wrong direction. And if it seems like he is, remember when you pray the devil is also listening to your prayers, so do be weary of the people, things, and opportunities coming into your life.

As not everything that seems good is necessarily from God, so be sober-minded and vigilant for our enemy lurks in the shadows waiting for the perfect window to knock you off your course and bring you back to a place where he can keep you in check. But if you remember God's promises and use his scripture to fight against your situation and the enemy, eventually, the devil will flee as stated in James 4:7.

Also, whenever you all get the chance, do watch the film, God's Not Dead as I think it will help a lot of us on our journey with God and how to overcome certain situations through the power of faith and belief in the Almighty. Oh, and while I have not yet watched it myself, it seems The Chosen is also something pretty good show to watch.

But anywho stay safe and do remember, God is but a prayer away as just saying the name Jesus Christ can scare demons away as there is power in his name. So may God guide your steps, renew your mind, and strengthen your spirit as you go about the rest of your day, In Jesus' Name Amen!

And I will see you all tomorrow, ✌️!

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