Day 11

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Good Moring, My Fellow Kings, and Queens

May God guide your steps, renew your spirit, and strengthen your mind as you enter the world this morning. But do remember while we may be a part of this world, we are not of this world for we do not seek validation from man but from God, our Heavenly Father and Creator.

So be mindful of things you do for you represent the kingdom of God and the words you say, "for there is life and death in the tongue," (Proverbs 18:21). So, as you go about your day seek God faces throughout the day whenever your free as I know we can at times be busy, but that does not we cannot find some time for him. The one who sacrificed his only son for us so that we can have eternal life and be born again, the same one who gave us new purpose and brought us out of the valley of the shadow of death.

Read Psalms 23:4, whenever you get a chance or listen to it on the Bible app as it is a powerful prayer and a wonderful way to start your day. For every day is an opportunity and a chance to get closer to the Father and build a more intimate and personal relationship with him, for he knows your afflictions and your worries, so cast all your cares on him; for he careth for you, (1 Peter 5:7 KJV).

For he that is within you is greater than he that is in the world and if God is with you who can be against you? So, stay positive and be steadfast for God will never leave you or forsake you, and the greater the blessing the longer the wait period so stop worrying if God heard your prayer and just have patience. For God is aware of your cries and is working upon them as we speak so have faith in his plans. F

For the longer, it takes for something to bear fruit, the sweeter and more satisfying it shall be when it comes to fruition, In Jesus' Name Amen!

And I will see you all tomorrow, ✌️!

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