Day 2

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Stay positive and stay out of the way as there is no need for you to be in the spotlight and attract unwanted attention for you already know who you are at the end of the day. So please stop trying to fit in and become something you are not as it is better to be yourself than act like someone you are not. In everything you do give thanks as things could have been worse, my friend. So, make the most of your day and live every day as if it were your last for you never know when it will be your time to go.

And I am not saying this to scare you but realistically everyone has an expiration date, so stop procrastinating and creating false narratives in your mind and get to it as that dream, goal, and aspiration you have will not come to life.

If you keep pushing it off and doing everything in your power not to do it because you believe you cannot achieve such things or become something greater than your current situation. Which is a blatant lie for everyone has the necessary resources at their disposal to level up and reach the next mountain. Even though you may think otherwise you honestly only need a bit of faith, momentum, and belief in yourself to at least start and begin manifesting this dream into reality.

And while it may take a while it is during this period God is moving things around and opening doors you once thought could have never been opened. So overall just find the positive in everything you do, have faith, and stay steadfast in your belief; for God never gives us more than we can bear.

So, stop saying you cannot and say you can, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

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