Chapter 3 ( Meeting)

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Zaryab had prepared legal documents to transfer the flat to Mehmal because a woman is halal only when given her right to seal.

In our country, men pay the dowry only when it comes to divorce or whenever they want, and in that process, they forget to give. But our culture made such customs that our Eastern women never asked for their rights, and men are never in a hurry to give.

According to Zaryab, the first right given to mehmal is the right to seal, which he has to provide anyway, and There is no question of giving later when he can afford it, and it's an order to pass.

He had also hired a cook and a maid because his apartment didn't have these conveniences. Yes, it was available in his parent's house, but Now that he has a partner, he must give her access to this comfort because Mehmal was raised as a daddy's princess who never worked in the kitchen and never had to deal with hardship. Zaryab is aware of his spouse. A woman who gave up her comfort zone for him and had a more compelling proposal than him.

Mehmal felt ecstatic. She was happy to declare it to be love at first sight. Although everyone desired her for her beauty, zaryab was more impressed by what she accomplished in life. Suleman is a good person, and her father was right. Only he can understand her and give her how she was brought up, but that is what all of them were mistaken about.

Mehmal, since her teens, had worked hard to get a scholarship; not once had her father had to give her a fee. She was an intelligent child who studied for her bachelor's on scholarship. In her second last year, she got an internship at the UN. She worked more like a laborer in several countries for women. After graduation, she started working as an employee At Unicef; she worked 17 to 18 hours in many areas of Africa and Asia. She joined a local news channel in London after spending a year working in several nations. With the aid of her classmates who work for major corporations and news outlets, she soon decided to launch her own NGO.

She didn't plan on settling, so Suleman's proposal surprised her; she had never thought of him other than as a friend and cousin. He helped her by giving loans when she needed them for charity and supporting women in different areas of Asia, especially in Palestine and Syria. Still, she never thought of him other than that he treated her like a sister and her to get everything from him as a right sister has on brother, but she may have given him the wrong impression.

Your brother is the only one which your parents give birth to.

At the wedding in Pakistan, she met Zaryab, her aunt's son. He was tall, handsome foreign qualified, and good-looking, which attracted Mehmal, but what drew her more was he didn't gawk like every other male cousin was doing. He gives her respect by making her comfortable with other cousins. She knows Mujtaba but never met him. She was furious when all of them were flirting with her, and if they were not Sara's in-laws, she might have punched those men, but zaryab covered that part as well.

Mehmal never wanted to attract him, but the way he gave her a shawl to cover her and gave an indirect message to Ahmed to stay away was enough for her that he was not one of those men flirting and gawking at her like a Predator.

She was impressed he studied on scholarship in America after his A- levels, and after that, his Ms in Australia. After graduation, he is doing a job in Pakistan. No doubt he is getting a good salary according to Pakistan and living separately so as not to be a burden on his parents. What Mehmal felt for him was the reason for him doing the job in Islamabad was his parents. Being the elder son, it's his responsibility to look after their parents. Mujtaba will soon leave for studies. Sarah is married, although he doesn't need to live in the same house because zarmeena Sahiba and Qureshi Sahab have servants. They want someone to be there with them.

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