Chapter 12 (heartbeat)

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Zaryab was waiting for what he didn't know. Why he wasn't going inside, he couldn't tell. What is bothering him is that it's been two weeks, and there has been no reaction from Sikandar's uncle.

He learned they are busy with Mehmal health and taking her to a psychiatrist. His guilt is increasing day by day. He knows he ruined an innocent life. But how will he tell them he'll never be unfair to her? Maybe he is more attached to Mehmal. What he felt for Mehmal is more than the love he realised. He realised it was not as easy as he thought.

How will he face Mehmal? It's been so long since he talked to her.

Let me in. I promise you I'll make everything ok mehmal. When I give you so much love, Anaya's presence will not bother you. No way I'm going to tell about Anaya now. I can't take the risk. At least tell me about you and the baby. I deserve to be part of our child's life.

With a heavy heart, he walked to the house servant told him they had taken her to the doctor they were not at home.

Zaryab went to his flat his home was not home. He didn't sleep in a room when she was not there. He was looking at his house. Everything reminded her he was missing her terribly.

They always wanted to decorate the nursery. It was Zaryab and mehmal time to do it together, but he was ok if Mehmal was not in condition. He'll do it for his child mehmal pregnancy is ten weeks, so he doesn't know the gender. He prefers neutral colours.

Zaryab went to the market to bring the paints. He did it himself and ordered the wallpapers.

See Mano; it's your work. I don't know what colour to choose and crib everything you would suggest to be better. zaryab said to himself when suddenly his phone rang. It was Anaya

"Are you ok?" She asked.
" yes", he replied
"if you are not busy, let us Go out for coffee," she said zaryab sighed. He was miserable, but it was not Anaya's fault. He has a duty over her as well.

"I have to buy something," he said.

" Ooh, ok, I need to tell you a very important thing. It's urgent. Can I get you a few minutes," she said " what are you saying? You can have my proper time meet me near this shop. I'll buy what I want to and you can talk whatever you want to say," he said he knows it is his mess he should give her proper time but not till Mehmal is not better.

They were near a coffee shop. Anaya just made an excuse to enjoy the weather and cheer Zaryab" Zaryab, we will do a simple nikkah, and I have decided so many things I think you should see", she said Zaryab smiled. He didn't like anything, but he didn't show her. He wanted to make her understand he was not in the mood, and these outings when his wife is miserable and not accepting the relationship how he can enjoy. He didn't tell her if he failed to make Mehmal agree, then he'll end up with her, but he'll try to make Mehmal agree.

" Anaya, I want to tell you something.." he was talking to her when his eyes went to the other side. It was Mehmal. She was with Sania. They were in the car.

Sania's eyes caught Zaryab. He was with the other women. Sania's heart breaks, her daughter is not well, and he's enjoying the weather with his girlfriend.

Zaryab saw Sania. She was looking at him and Anaya.

" Mehmal", zaryab said, which made Anaya turn to them. She looked at Mehmal, a dead body sitting beside her mother.

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