Chapter 63

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It's been 3 days since Zaryab was in hospital Mehmal didn't come. He didn't ask anyone about her nor did he discuss her with anyone.

He saw a stick beside his bed. He is at the mercy of this stick. A surreal feeling.

He sighed he knows it's his test and he has to go through with it.

He starts reading a book that Mujtaba left for him when he heard a knock. He lifted his head and Anaya was there. His smile fell. Her smile widened.

He closed the book and put it on the side. Attentively towards her. She put the flowers on the vase. He didn't stop her.

" How are you feeling," she asked as he nodded his head. Anaya sat beside him looking into his eyes. He has beautiful eyes deep in which you drown in it. Anaya saw his hands, which were foster and intertwined with each other. Zaryab is a very handsome man tall with broad shoulders with beautiful face cuts.

" I was so scared when I saw the news on TV. I ran to the hospital. Thanks to Allah you are ok" she said zaryab stared at her.

" THANK YOU," he said with emphasis on words. " What doctor said?" she asked " I'll be fine" he replied.

" Zaryab do you have my idea if something happens to you.." he stopped her

"Anaya Emer visits Mehmal house over dinners and takes her wherever, who told you?" he asked, making Anaya dumbfounded. She parted her lips to say something but closed it. Zaryab was staring at her.

" When you know his visits then you must know the reason for it," he asked, making Anaya surprised. " I know each word you said to her," he said in a very soft tone. He sighed,

" Did Umer came to you?" he asked.

Anaya's eyes widened " I didn't accept his offer I fear Allah" she replied immediately.

" I concluded you didn't. But you say all the things that Umer told you. You may refuse his offer but you say those words to her in front of everyone. You did your purpose. It's just you didn't done it in umer way but in your way" he said Anaya was not meeting to his eyes. She said those words to Mehmal whixh was in her heart. She knows some secrets and she used it in her own way.

" I was scared and was furious with her. It's here.."

"Why are you furious with her," he asked, making Anaya silent.

" I don't have any title but my feelings.."

" You know what Allah said. He said, You will ruin the honor of my servant where his honor is, I will ruin your honor where you hope for my mercy." he said Anaya's tears fell.

" I didn't love you, Anaya," he said, making Anya lift her head. He was calm looking straight without blinking or emotion on his face.

" Then what was I?" she asked

" A delusion. An Enticed from satan. Allah loves a man who sees his wife with love. He loves those couples who are happy with each other, see each other with love. I and Mehmal were among that couple. We have no problem. How can this go settle with satan? He brought my delusion which disappeared long ago. But I lived in trance. When mehmal came into my life she completely overpowered me. I slowly fell to her. Then Satan tempted me and Allah was testing me. Sometime we Muslim man think if we like other girl other than wife it's Allah's decision or sign that we take other wife. Because we always take religion card of sunnah. But we forget sometimes it's a test of our nafs ( desires). How can Allah like my desires which were built over destroying the paradise he blessed me? I didn't cherish his blessing so he took her from me. I don't know what Allah likes in me. He gives me a chance to rectify my mistake." he said.

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