Chapter 62

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Zamin examines zaryab with other seniors. They had just finished the meeting which discussed his case thoroughly. They got relief when his MRI came fine.

" Zaryab listen to me. This bullet has damaged something in you. But thank goodness which we were afraid of didn't happen. It will take you a year or maybe more than that to walk freely. Your physiotherapy will be started this whole time you need a stick to walk. " he said zaryab who lay down on the bed nodded his head.

" Aa you are UN Employee and what you did your physiotherapy process will proceed in America. Till here rest and don't walk unnecessarily. You will remain in the hospital for a week. Then you can go home and your therapy will be started. " he sad zaryab smile and nodded " Thank you" he said he nodded and walked out.

Everyone was gathered around him. The next day he Sania sahaba and Emer came to meet him. She was crying and thanking him " Khallha what are you doing. Don't make me more ashamed." he said. "No, if it's not you, then my mehmal wouldn't be alive. You shouldn't do this zaryab. You have a life you could have thought about yourself. I don't know how to thank you. " she said sniffing cleaning with tissue.

"Khalla she was Mehmal If I didn't do for her then who should do? And if you wanted to thank me then forgive me for what I did to your daughter and please be the same as before with Mama," he said she nodded. " I Forgive you zaryab. Forgive me as well. Don't worry about us we will be fine" she said he nodded. He turned to Emer when Sania got a call she walked out of the room.

" Thank you zaryab," he said which make zaryab frowned " For saving my wife?" he asked emer smiled " No for saving so much. You have no idea with you act you done a great deed. You don't save Mehmal you saved the hope of people. You ruined their plan," he said zaryab nodded. He looked at the door and clock Emer understood him. " Everyone came greeted me but your MMC head didn't come?" he said

" she was outside. She is embarrassed by facing you After the doctor informed her about your condition she got relaxed" he said zaryab smile "I heard what she said to me when I was unconscious. Tell her I'm waiting for her when she thinks she can meet me without thinking any think come" he said Emer nodded.

"What you did got you so much zaryab. You deal as a permanent employee with all luxuries that will be given to you. Umer was caught he didn't inform you last moment change of plan. Your act made you a hero overnight. You rejected for Allah he returned you with honor" he said zaryab smile. " BESHAK" he replied.

" ZARYAB me and mehmal don't need to marry each other. She refused my proposal when I arrived here in Pakistan " Emer said making Zadyab confuse " What you did yesterday secure her. She doesn't need my name or anyone. Allah is with her she doesn't need anyone else." he said. zaryab blinked his eyes in surprise. He doesn't know what he would say.

"She loved me so much. She couldn't see other than me. When I come back home she always greets me with a love and welcomes me with her love. You know what I did." zaryab looked at Emer.

" I Insulted her. It's not My desire for having a second wife was haram. But when we men told our wives they we are taking another wife se to make them. someway insecure. No wife loves it. Everyone object but they have been ordered she can't stop them. In that situation some wives who don't have any place to do they stayed in them some show patience and some become negative. Start doing some other things. Some wives like mehmal didn't stay. they left. In them, some become Mehmal strong independent doesn't need anyone and some become burden spend her life alone in waiting for love. Some get some don't." zaryab said to emer who was listening to him attentively.

" But you know what's common in them. None of them is happy. The love of the husband stayed only in few women. what others are just doing their responsibility. In my experience, I learned it's not that I'll be shared but how I made my wife thinks of herself. I broke her" he said Zadyab had years in his eyes.

" They wait for another girl to see what his husband saw in other women which were absent in them. When they got the answer they feel insulted. Slowly slowly the love vanishes in their heart. They will try to have those qualities in them. which are unfit in them. Then they start losing themself. Slowly man starts losing his interest in them they remain their wives because of kids or some other reason. In that sense, I will only say I your wife is not ok with having another woman then they should forget the idea. I make mehmal feel insulted. She starts to see everything differently. She thought I like her hijab her pious dress. That's my mistake I'm ashamed of that. Buy it wasn't that. I was in delusion didn't come out of it that I was already in love with my wife and moved on. I was in trance I love her and I married mehmal. Bit it wasn't like that. I wasn't like that when Anya left It was easy but when mehmal left she took everything. What's left is just the body. I just know if she is then not in this life then one else." he said, Emer sighed.

What he was saying was the reality. "I make her feel I don't love her." zaryab chuckle and cleared his tears " Because I never told her I love her. She asks me many times do I love her?" I never replied I couldn't get any answer I just laugh at it and touched her cheeky and left. Suddenly I told her I fell for her. She is my colleague. ..." zaryab couldn't complete his sentence and tears spilled down from his eyes. Emer too closed his eyes.

"What she did was the right choice. I don't deserve mehmal. Who husband left his wife on his parents. She was pregnant with my child I was forcing my marriage on her. She was furious but I was in my right state of mind. I insulted her in front of that girl. I tried to slap her because she insulted her without thinking she was pregnant." he looked up " I have been punished not for having thought of a second wife I have been punished because I hurt my wife when she need me I wasn't there. I become the reason for her mental state. I thought if I die my pain will be easy but no I still have to be punished till the burden of pain doesn't disappear " he said.

Emer stood from. his place. " I'm going back this weekend. Mehmal is blaming herself for your condition she was being realized she is the cause of your condition," he said making zaryab squinted his eyes. " What do you mean?" he asked "Ask your family. But she had decided to leave you or never show her face as anyone who will be with her is at risk," he said. Zaryab lost words to say.

Did anyone say anything to her which make her feel like that? Zadyab in his thought.

" She told me to take her with me. She will never come back. Maybe we will leave this weekend. I think you guys need to talk" he said zaryab felt someone is saying he is taking his soul with him.

Emer left but zaryab remain in his thought. Zarmeena came with Mujtaba and Sana. They brought dinner for him. Zarmeena we tout to offer her namaz and zaryab sent Mujtaba to get something for him.

He knows if there is anyone who can tell him everything is her.

" You made us scare," she said chuckling zaryab chuckled " Yes but sana there is something I think I should be aware of," he asked. Sana looked at the door then back at Zaryab " O common Sana since when you are afraid of anyone?" he raised his eyebrows. " You will not tell anyone I told you," she said zaryab nodded" I promised otherwise my car is yours," He said now Sana was relaxed. She knows he loves in his car more than anything.

Zaryab anger accelerated. " Mehmal was quiet but pupa made us proud," she said she become quiet when she saw zaryab was silent looking at the table. " Should I have your water?" she asked he turned to her and shook his head.

Zaryab blames himself for their behavior. Zaryab's past behavior made everyone want to say whatever they wanted to Mehmal. He learned it's the husband who made his wife's reputation and he is the one who ruined it. For Anaya. He sighed

I was lenient Anaya but you didn't understand my last warnings about how you crossed your line. It was my mistake I tried to slap her for you make you think you are special. You are nothing to me you did this to mehmal what If by mistakenly I married you. I was going to put mehmal in hell. Do you think you can say anything to her? You are my shame, Anaya. I told her I'll be fair four presence wouldn't bother her but see Allah knows what will happen to her so he took it away from him.

After what happen to Mehmal he can't face her. It is better to stay away from her.


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