Chapter 27

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After staying for several days, almost a month, Mehmal had brought Sania home.

Sikandar's death came as a shock to Sania. She cried for many days. Mehmal cried on her mother's shoulder.
Sania was depressed more about Mehmal. How she did manage herself alone, she wanted to go to Pakistan and cry in Sikandar's grave. She and Mehmal have no one.

Mehmal didn't tell anyone in Pakistan about Sania.

While Mehmal stays in London, she gets time to meet Dr. Yousaf, so she attends her lectures. Sometimes Emer to present there, but when he comes, Dr. Yousaf takes him, and they talk nearby place for several hours. Mehmal has realized Emer's status in Dr. Yousaf's eyes.

Today after the lecture, she stayed to talk to Dr. Yousaf.

" How's your mother Mehmal," he asked while sitting on a carpet in Mosque Mehmal sat in front of her " Very well, Baba's death was shocking to her, but she is getting better," she replied.

" How are you, Mehmal," he asked, and Mehmal stayed silent " Mean you are not Ok," he said. She gave him a nod but remained silent.
" Tell me, Mehmal, why are you not OK," he asked.

" Whatever I'm doing, you know, will complete in the next two months. Then an Islamic media collaboration can happen, but it's not easy." She said to him, and Dr. Yousaf knows the problematic stage has started. Emer was also tensed. What if the UN ordered an object and took it as Imperialism?

"We are doing everything. My heart goes out to them. Life is not easy there. What if I failed and their voice will not be heard, or worse, people ignore them." She said.

"Your work is to do Mehmal results are not in your hands. You and Emer and your team are doing their work, but the rest is in Allah's hands. If he takes you there, he'll have already planned the rest. So believe in him" he pointed his finger in one and above.

" Aslam o alikum " Both turned, and Emer was there. Dr. Yousaf smiled and stood to meet him so did Mehmal " Walikum salam," he said, and Emer turned to Mehmal, who smiled and gave him a nod.

" I'll take my leave. Mama is waiting," she said and walked out of the Mosque.

" So Emer, how are you doing?" He asked, " Fine. Maybe next week, I'll leave for Palestine." He said, " But you came yesterday. Emer, I know you are busy with everything and dedicated your life to them and their work but Give yourself time and another chance." Dr. Yousaf said Emer wasn't looking at him with respect.

" My life is there with my brother and sister who are suffering. This is my Jihad, and honestly, I found my peace," he said. They both sat on the bench outside the mosque.

"Emer, I'm talking about your life with family. Give yourself another chance. Your wife left you for a reason. I know she should decide by consulting you, but whatever she did, it's for you," he said, and Emer closed his eyes. How can he forget everything? His wife Elif left him because she couldn't give him another child after they lost their daughter. After their daughter's birth doctor told her she might have complications conceiving, but both of them were happy after they lost their daughter. Everything between them shattered.

She told him to marry again, but he refused. She becomes insecure and feels sorry not to give him a child, although Emer never makes her think she feels he should have a family. Emer disagreed with taking another wife. He thought with time, she would be better and accept what reality is, and then they will adopt a child. He never knew his wife would leave him and move to America. He knows she is doing for him, but why she can't see he doesn't want that life in which she would not be? 
" She did what any women at her place do. But I never appreciated it. I told her mom often, but could I force her to stay? When she started and suffered from her family. She knew after you'll have a new wife. You will be more bound by many things. She makes your oath easy. She did what would happen after years if you married again. It's her choice," Dr. You say said. He nodded.

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