Chapter 60

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No one was allowed to stay in the hospital, but still, Mujtaba didn't budge and stayed. Due to all the long working hours, even doctors were tired and willing to visit in the morning only if there was no emergency. Zayrab was admitted to ICU under strict observation and the tightest security possible. None of the family wanted to leave, but they weren't allowed to stay and were forcibly sent back home. Mehmal couldn't even speak to Zayrab's family.

She stayed at the hospital, and her mother went to her home. Sana took Zarmeena and Qureshi sahab back home too. Mujtaba kept staring at Zayrab through the small peephole in the door of the ICU when Mehmal walked up to him and stood beside him.

Zayrab's body was attached to multiple machines indicating his current vitals, and he was put on a ventilator with an oxygen pipe in his mouth. His chest was heaving up and down, an only indication of him being alive as his vitals, according to the doctors, were still not that good. Still, he had crossed the most critical phase and every breath now, although artificial ventilation, was not giving false hope to the ones waiting for his well-being. He had lost a lot of blood, so his face was as pale and colourless as cotton. He was breathing, and Mehmal felt like it was her breaths, not his. He is her oxygen, and a lone tear rolled down her eyes onto her too-pale colourless cheeks.

" He stopped me and wanted me to forgive him in the morning," Mujtaba said, his eyes misty with tears, some escaping his eyes and some still there, ready to roll down. Mehmal turned towards him, and he kept on saying, "I punished him much more than what he deserved. "Again, a tear slipped, but he continued, "Whatever happened with me was not done intentionally by him, but whatever I did, I had the purpose of hurting him. I knew he would be hurt, and I still posted your engagement and dance videos on my story. To hurt him, to punish him and to make him feel the pain. I said hateful words to him, but he took them all and never retaliated ." Mehmal's eyes too welled up with fresh tears, and she sighed.

She couldn't even imagine the pain Zayrab went through and closed her eyes. She was divorced, but for him, she was his wife, and no man could tolerate his wife with another man.

" Today the morning, he hugged me and asked me to care for Mom and Dad." He recalled, and Mehmal could say anything . " if I knew he was going on this dangerous journey, I wouldn't let him go ever. He told Mom that he was being called, and we couldn't understand the deep meaning of his words, and after he went away, Mom kept crying for an hour. She wasn't feeling well as he never behaves in this absurd way ." Mujtaba continued saying, and Mehmal felt her heart pounding in her chest.

" If something happens to him, I won't be able to face myself. Why we became so cruel? I know whatever he did was wrong, but he repented and regretted it, and I witnessed it still. I never forgave him? He was ashamed of his past deeds and was regretting and repenting and asking for forgiveness, but still, we didn't show any mercy ?" Mujtaba wiped his face with his shirt sleeves and continued, "I am sorry, I have a severe headache. I want him to be back, and I promise to be like I was before with him. I did so....." Mujtaba couldn't speak more and collapsed on the nearby chair.

Mehmal kept mum and looked towards Zayrab through the door.

" Can you see Zayrab? Everyone is praying for your well-being. Please don't leave them !!"

Mehmal felt that everyone around her is in danger. Whomever she marries will be under constant threat. Zayrab doesn't deserve this, and she realised why Emer never wanted a family life. Why he never tried to bring Elif back to his life? He knows how much danger he is in and how everyone else would be in trouble.


Emer entered the garage. Umer was lying on the floor drenched in blood, and the snipper was caught, too, by Emer's men working for secret intelligence agencies. He bends down to his level. He had earlier gone back to his hotel and got showered, and changed his attire. He knew of being watched over. Emer's face was covered with a cloth masking his appearance. " He spoke ?" Emer asked his men, but they shook their heads in a no. " I know whose hands are in it !" He said. " Sir, should we hand him over to intelligence? They will tackle Israel in their way ." Emer slightly moves his head, indicating no.

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