Chapter 30 ( MMC)

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They left for London next week. The official channel has started its first transmission. Palestinian voice was on the air. Everything that happened there in Palestine was live on Tv.

Every home had an MMC channel - MMC was broadcast in Pakistan, Turkey, UAE, and all Muslim countries. The content was the same for news channels but in their language. They started it with English which is a universal language to all.

Qureshi Sahab Was watching the MMC channel and was telling his wife about the progress of OIC.

After Suleman and Ezra's wedding, which was postponed due to the Emer government award ceremony in Turkey, it was an honour for the Zaygil family. Mehmal has to visit Pakistan. MMC Entertainment will soon be launched, and everything was given to Mehmal and her crew. This entertainment channel will have different TV shows which will motivate and guide today's Muslim people towards their religion and every aspect of life. The Pakistani entertainment industry and other Muslim countries' entertainment industries join hands.

The news channel will first broadcast the Palestinian situation live. This is the first time live transmission of any war zone area will be broadcast. Every country will have its media offices which can't be destroyed by any forces even if they have any doubt, and they will need a permission letter to check the building authorities. Emer mehmal and her crew are still working in Palestine till the final work. They wanted MMC's first building, and everything should be from Palestine. Construction has been started.

Mehmal was in London. Her master's was completed she got a distinction. Her thesis was awarded.

Emer Mehmal and her crew were invited to Jeddah, where the official ceremony would be held for MMC. OIC Wanted to show the world the creator of MMC. Mehmal was awarded as well for the idea. Emer and Mehmal invited not only her family but Dr Yousaf as well Mehmal wanted to dedicate her award to him.

She was in London attending the lecture of Dr Yousaf.

After attending the lecture, Mehmal stayed there. Dr Yousaf, in honour of Mehmal, walked down to her and didn't sit till mehmal didn't sit.
" Please, sir, You are my elder. Don't do that again," she said.

" Mehmal, you united the Muslim world through your work. It just starts more People like Mehmal and Emer will come and become an inspiration to them. So many none Muslims will involve in a humanitarian cause and will stand for injustice like your crew." he said Mehmal smiled.
" Will you still say Allah doesn't love you?" He asked. He shook her head. She was crying " I realised why Allah took everything from me. Otherwise, I wouldn't be equal to them. I would never understand their pain." she said. Dr Ali Yusaf nodded with a smile. He had tears in his eyes.

He was happy Allah had chosen him to guide this broken soul who had to do wonders for the world.

" he took you, your happy paradise, to take you there. He chose you among all his people to do that work. You are lucky Mehmal Allah chose you for this cause," he said.

What was revealed to Mehmal? She looked at the pillar where she and Dr Ali was sitting a year back. She cried at the same spot for taking everything from her, and now again at the same place, she was genuinely relieved for everything to happen.

First-time Mehmal forgives Zaryab and everyone. What Allah has given her, what status Allah has given her in people's eyes, was more than everything. The love she was getting from the compelled people who are among the most patient people of Allah. Mehmal didn't need anything else.

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