Chapter 19

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Zaryab was in the office. He didn't meet Anaya after last night's event. He closed his eyes. Sunlight spread in his office. He was a senior post and had a large office. He could easily walk and sit on the couch and watch TV.

"Wow, I'm impressed, Zaryab. I'll design this office," Mehmal said, which made zaryab little grasp. "Mano's office didn't give a budget to renovate it, and Why are you sitting here? Come sit on my seat," he said and took her to his seat Mehmal sat, and she giggled Zaryab noticed whenever she laughed, his heart softened. His all stressful day forgotten

" You should place my picture on your desk," she said Zaryab smiled " My dear wife, it is not your England. If I put your picture, everyone who will come to my office will see you, which is very awkward, especially the room cleaner," he said Mehmal pouted " Aww you got hurt" she nodded " Jana you are so beautiful  your picture is here" he took her hand and place it in his heart " I don't want the sweeper will look at my wife with lustful eyes or anyone."

Since she had gone, he placed a picture of her on the table. He picked up the picture and put it on his chest.

You are my drug. One touch and the intoxication are instant. Whatever you want to do is what we'll do, and there isn't a thing I can do to stop you - not that I'd like to. Your scent sends me into a heady trance, one that doesn't end until our bodies are still once more, just warm and snuggled in as close as two souls can be. No, Mehmal, you are not my physical attraction only? Are you not just my Guilt? Are you something to me? You are more than a wife and an Emotional attachment.

He was sleeping. It was evening people were getting home. He was still in the office. He has to do work late at night. His legs were on the desk, and he leaned on a chair, back relaxed. The frame was on his chest, and his hands were on his stomach and below his head.


Anaya was furious about last night's event, and furious Zaryab didn't come to her.

I'm mature and will not be upset about little things he needs me.

She walked to his office. He was sleeping with his legs on the desk. She thought not to disturb him and was about to walk out when she heard him.


Anaya walked to him. he called Mehmal "mehmal"? Is he dreaming about her?

" No, please don't go," he mumbled

Anaya couldn't stand there more. She doesn't need to think twice about what he is dreaming about. She walked out of the office. Tears fell from her eyes. The whole night Anaya only thinks about Zaryab.

What if when we consummated, he'll call her name?

I can never bear that pain, Zaryab. How much more time did I give you to forget her?

Anya remembers what he brought for her on the Dubai trip.

Not once did zaryab talk about their time. They never share any intimate talk. He was romantic in Dubai. They discuss the future, but in all their conversation, he always brings up Mehmal.
If he does something for me immediately, he tells me he'll do it for Mehmal. Zaryab, if you love me, why is she still between us? Wasn't she your just wife?

It's been one month since zaryab is still miserable. He didn't talk much to Anaya, and he apologized for embarrassing her. She was cooperating with everything. His mother asked about the marriage, and he said to Delay it. Her sister is in critical condition, and her brother-in-law died three months back, and divorce between him and Mehmal is not a good idea.

In actuality, he didn't know why he was delaying everything. He knows he's not ready. He can not imagine his life without Mehmal. He never thought Mehmal would divorce him. He never imagined a house built with Anaya by destroying his beautiful home with Mehmal. He never wanted to sacrifice Mehmal over Anaya. He doesn't understand his parents because people forced him to sign the paper, and now her brother-in-law has just died, and her sister is in between life and death. Doesn't it bother them what people will think now?

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