Chapter 68

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Zaryab woke up screaming mehmal. He had a bad dream about Mehmal. He saw her in a fire she was screaming. She needs help.

Fajar time has passed. He drank water and was sweating. After sehri he was listening to the sureh rehman and slept and missed the fajar. He clicked the button and the curtain was parted giving him a fascinating view of New York City.

He went to the washroom to shower and did his wadhu and offered fajar. He walked to his big living room and clicked the curtains of the living room. He switched On the TV news and took a glass of milk. He took just two sips when his eyes went to the news. Al Aqsa mosque was on fire. He switched the channel and searched for MMC.

" MMC head Miss Mehmal was also severely injured and conscious." Reporter said glass fell on the ground. His dream wasn't a dream. He was right that Mehmal was in danger.

He took the phone and called Sania khalla. She didn't pick. He switched to social media to get some news about her. He called Emer but he didn't pick it up. He was panicked but the news of Emer in social media widened his eyes. He was sweating, he parted his lips. He was not breathing properly. He opened the door of the terrace garden to get air. He took a deep breath and put his hands on knee. If this happens to Emer, Is mehmal alive?. He felt someone take his soul and tears fell.

Why am I alive?  I should be dead from that attack.

He called sania khalla again and she picked " Is mehmal ok. Please tell her she is alive .. please khalla" he asked with trembling voice  tears were flowing. She was crying not saying anything " No Khalla No " he said he was crying and knelt on ground

"Khalla please tell me she is alive" he asked but heard only her sobbed. The next voice he heard was of the lady " Hello zaryab. It's Mehmals aunt" she said. She took the phone from Sania who was getting unconscious. " Aunty, please tell me about mehmal. Is she ok? Is she alive?" He asked " Yes they said they shifted her to don't know where? Suleman is in talks with the government to let him go to Palestine. We just know she is injured. No one is informing us anything. Zaryab will do something from there." She said Zaryab cleaned his tears " What I had heard about Emer is true?" He asked if she was silent. " His brother is going there. His son was born just a few hours ago and this happened. They are going there. No one told his wife" she said.

Zaryab looked up at the sky. A tragic loss no one can fill it again. He sighed.

" Please inform me. I'll call Suleman to know how he will get there. I'll go there myself. Please tell Suleman to take his wife with him. She is a doctor. She would be needed there." He said and hung up. He cleaned his tears.

No zaryab you can't be like this. Your Mehmal needs you. Get up.

He ran out of the apartment. He booked his flight; he knows there is no direct flight to Palestine. " Zaryab, we can't allow you. You are an employee of the UN. We Will not interfere till we get the details.." He didn't let his boss complete his sentence " My wife is there fighting for her life. You think I would care right now about my employment. I just need you to help me take me there. Please help me as an employee of your organisation. My wife has some benefits. Please help me to reach there. Take whatever you want" he said his boss had ordered him to not let interfere in these matters till the official announcement but he pitied the man who was worried for his wife.

He knows their organization works for human rights and Mehmal is not an ordinary person anymore. Stopping him means violating the laws of the UN.

" MMC head had been injured, what would be the benefit of that Association with the UN if UN can't help the MMC head in Palestine. I'm Zaryab Qureshi, husband of Miss Mehmal. I need your help on behalf of MMC" he said and his boss looked at him in surprise. He knows Zaryab can take this decision on behalf of Mehmal. He sighed and went to his office to call the secretary of the president of the UN. After some time he came back. Zaryab was anxiously waiting.

He ordered the charter ready for him. It was his friends who were business tycoons. "Zaryab the one will take you to Israel. UN charter can't be used for personal benefits but we arrange the charter. That's all I can do for you. We are doing this because of the agreement if UNand MMC'" Zaryab  nodded he took the advantage of the husband of the Head of MMC. He didn't hear him saying anything further and walked out of his office.

Sometimes you don't know but Allah knows what is better. Today mehmal and zaryab not getting a divorce is working in their favor.

In Palestine

In the sorrow of death is the proof of love, of the bonds that exist beyond our reality, beyond the spacetime, matter, and energy that makes our world real.

As if the soul could bleed an ocean through the eyes, that was the enormity of her sobbing.

She wasn't accepting. She shook her head " No he can't " she said and ran to the stretcher a white cloth was above the dead body. Blood was prominent on the sheet. " you can't die, you were breathing no-no, please make this bad dream" she was crying. She wanted to remove that white sheet to see herself.

" No, he can't leave me." She said
" Mehmal" someone called her name she turned " This is not him tell me this is not him" she screamed. She then turned to the body. Her eyes were swollen.

" Let them take him for a post-mortem"  mehmal shook her head " No call the doctor he is alive. I will not let you take him. Do you understand he is not dead? Let me call the doctor. I checked him and he was breathing " she wasn't accepting.

" Mehmal" someone grabbed her body " Leave me I said leave me" she shouted but it was important otherwise she wouldn't let them take his body.

"Mehmal he is dead. He is not coming back. I informed his family they are on their way. Doctors confirmed his death. He will not come back with your crying. Pray for his akhirat"

Mehmal felt her world collapse. She felt darkness.

She woke up screaming Emer. Thomas was with her. She saw her surroundings. She was on the bed with him. It was just a hospital bed which we can't call a hospital. She was hearing the scream of people around her. " THERE IS NONPROPER MEDICINE HERE" someone yelled.

She couldn't feel her legs. She turned to Thomas " Thomas emer?" She asked if he was silent. " Mehmal stayed in bed and we informed the government. You are lucky you got the bed. Your family is on the way. We need to get away from here. There is no proper treatment and not much medicine and hospital staff available." he said

"Thomas I'm asking about Emer and you are babbling nonsense," she said Thomas was silent. Mehnal shook her head. She led her head back and cried " We informed his family they are on their way. Emer was taken to the emergency. Nadia was with him. The officials have also arrived. Hamas replied to the violence Israeli did to innocent people. They fired the rockets at the Israeli military." he said to mehmal who was sobbing uncontrollably.

Zaryab took Thomas' phone number which was out of reach recently. He sighed. Suleman and Murat ziyagil along with Ezra and medical staff were on their way to Jerusalem. Murat knows he has big responsibilities on his shoulder first is to bring Emer and give medication to injured Palestinians. He sighed. 

Before they reached, Zaryab reached before them. He walked out of the airport. He called Thomas for the past half an hour and finally he picked. Thomas picked the call from a local number.

What Zaryab heard in the background was screaming of people. His heart pounding
" Hello, I'm Zaryab,  are you Thomas?" He asked, " Yes, speaking, " he said.

" Where are you? Is Mehnal with you?" He asked Thomas to look at Mehmal and become conscious of the person. He and Nadia didn't leave Mehmal and Emer alone. He didn't want to inform any random person about Mehmal.

In the chaos they attacked them he didn't want her enemies to take advantage of the state. " Who is zaryab and why should I tell you about mehmal?" He asked " I'm her husband and Emer's friend," he said.

Zaryab was relaxed, at least she was with some sensible person.

" You bastard why you call me. Who gives you my number waiting for her death so you can marry your mistress" he said, making zaryab sighed and closed his eyes. His blunder didn't leave him in embarrassment everywhere. Who else didn't know about it.

" I'm here wanting to know which hospital she is in. Please, I beg you. Suleman and Emer's family are going to arrive here soon. Do you want anything else to know. Please I beg you to tell me if she is ok. Is she alive? Give her a phone at least." He said Thomas felt sincerity for Mehmal so he told him he'll text the address.

Zaryab got the address of the hospital. If Thomas didn't tell him it will take him time to reach the hospitals near by the incident and will find mehmal but with great difficulty.

He reached the hospital calling it a hospital is an insult to the hospital. Man passed by him taking his son in arms who was injured and bullets on arms. Women were injured and sat on the floor while the staff was treating her. Zaryab took pity on them. They don't have many medical facilities. What had they done to Palestine? In this situation his heart aches. He didn't ask any staff or person as anyone is on their own. He called Thomas again " Now what?" He said " I reached here, where are you?" He asked Thomas to tell him.

Zaryab reached the area where several beds were in the hall. He crossed one by one and saw a British man. He doesn't need to recognise him; he knows he was thomas.

He walked to him and his eyes fell on Mehmal who's head was up looking at the ceiling leaned her head back in pillows she was crying. Her head had a bandage but it wasn't a proper bandage. Her legs had something. "Mehmal," he said.  Mehmal heard a familiar voice and looked at the person. " Zaryab," she said in surprise. Zaryab never saw her in that state.

Zaryab was relieved by looking at her. Tears sprang from his eyes. He was crying and so was Mehmal.
" Zaryab, " she sobbed.

Without thinking further he pushed Thomas and hugged her. She too hugged him tightly and cried out. He broke the hug and kissed her eyes. She was weak. "sshh nothing happened to you, don't worry I'll take you from here," he said. " Emer" she said, crying out, Zaryab wrapped his arms around her. She buried herself in his chest. He turned his head to Thomas and mumbled "Emer" he shrugged. He closed his eyes. Mehmal was affected by the incident. She was jot mentally stable. She showed her hands to zaryab and was sobbing.

There was blood on her hands. " Sssh" he cleaned her tears and took the handkerchief from. his pockets and looking for a water bottle he soaked his handkerchief and cleaned mehmal's hands. She shook her head. His bag was near Thomas' feet. He signals him to give him in return he kicked the bag towards him.

Zaryab ignored his behaviour. He opened the side pockets and took wet tissues again, soaked the tissue and cleaned her hands. " See it's clean," he said as she shook her head.

She went near him " I killed two men" she said making zaryab eyes widened. She was mentally disturbed. He knows she killed them out of self defence but it affected her mental state.

Mehmal looked at zaryab judging eyes " They were going to kill Emer. They attacked me" she said while crying. Zaryab looked at her hands and mashed his lips. She held her in his arms

" You are strong. See, blood is clean. Mehmal it was self-defense "he said Mehmal bobbed her head in agreement or assure him she's not a killer. " Yes I killed them because they hit emer on his eyes" she defended herself while crying.

Zaryab turned to Thomas. " What's the position of doctors? he asked. He wanted to take mehmal out of the place as soon as possible.

" You so-called husband has reached now. I've been here with her since she was brought here. Obviously, I have been looking for a doctor but did you see any" he said coldly. He nodded and walked to mehmal. " If you are here with her then stay here I'll look for nadia she needs me " he said zaryab nodded his head.

" They killed him" Mehmal was crying in Zaryab's arm. He was patting her back. Suddenly she remembered looking at Zaryab.

It's all happening because of her. Why is he here doesn't he know she is a danger to him?

" Why are you here?" she asked and pushed him. Zaryab got confused " Mehmal," he said

" No zaryab go back from where you came," she said and turned to her face " Mehmal got some sleep. You are not in your senses" he said but Mehmal again pushed him and tried to stand but the pain on her legs didn't let her " Mehmal its better to sleep"he said but mehmal pushed him.

She saw Suleman come and see relief on his face. He was crying and walked to Mehmal. Zaryab gave him space. He held her hands and cried uncontrollably " You have no idea how I was scared. How I will face baba in the hereafter. What will I tell him that I couldn't protect his mehmal. I was satisfied when I handed you to Emer but now.." he cried he was worried about Mehmal.
Mehmal too cried in his arms Ezra came immediately. Zaryab gave her space.

" Suleman let me see her and there is a woman who is pregnant and injured," she said and looked at Mehmal's wound. Suleman wasn't stopped. She sighed and turned him to her " Suleman" she yelled making him come to his senses so did Mehmal " They need you. Control your emotions. This is jihad for us to be strong. Let me do my duty" she said, making the Suleman control himself. He got courage from Ezra despite what happened to Emer. She is doing her work and looking at people.

He stood and walked out. Mehmak cried for Emer" Emer.. he" she cleaned her tears. " It's a boy. She gave birth to a boy. We didn't tell her anything " she said mehmal put her hand over her mouth to control the sobbed. Zaryab saw her condition before he closed to her " Go get the medicine bag from Suleman" she said to zaryab who nodded his head. She pushed the blankets away and saw mehmal legs which were blue. She touched it and Mehmal didn't react. She was surprised. Zaryab came with the bag and saw mehmal legs and became shocked. Ezra saw zaryab reaction "Unzipped the bag and took the cotton and medicines out. She put the pin on her legs and Mehmal didn't react which surprised zaryab as well. Mehmal was in her thoughts feeling guilty over everything. She didn't know what Ezra was doing to her legs; she felt nothing.

Ezra walked out zaryab walked behind her
" Excuse me" she stopped. " What happened, is she ok?" He asked as she squinted her eyes. She saw him with her for the past few minutes " Why should I tell you  I will inform Suleman and her family right now who you are?" She said zaryab coughed " I'm zaryab her husband" he said. He saw her expression changed.

" Congratulations must be very happy for her state. What are you doing here, whatever" she ignored him.

Zaryab wanted to show her who he was but his eyes went to her state. She is pregnant. Her family suffered a lot and still, she is doing her duty plus she is a mehmal family as well. He nodded and walked behind her. " Suleman" she called him and he stood beside her to learn about Mehmal.

Ezra was irritated by him but focused on her work " We need to shift her immediately. I think her legs.." she didn't complete her sentence Suleman understood and turned to the injured woman and her husband " Make sure she eats well or take her from here where she can get some rest" he said then Walked to mehmal.

Zaryab understood what she said. " I'll take her from here. Just tell me her condition " he said Suleman saw her leg's condition then he looked at her head which Ezra was treating " she needs medication properly in London " she said he nodded.

" Suleman Go with her baba will take uncle Emer after clearance. You take her. Baba wouldn't be able to handle her with their uncle." she said " No need to come with me Suleman, stay here. Our people need us." Mehmal said.

" When I can take my wife with me why are you guys even discussing," Zaryab said " I have Thomas with me," Mehmal said. Suleman turned to him "How you came here? " he asked zaryab, told him he thought for a minute then nodded " I can take care of myself " Suleman glared at mehmal. He doesn't want to bring the personal issue right now " How quickly you can take her?" he asked

"As quickly you release her," he said looking straight into his eyes. Suleman sighed" Take her, " he said Zadyab nodded. Mehmal gave him an angry look " Suleman," she said, making Suleman turn to her. " Mehmal cooperate," he said

Thomas came with Nadia.

" We have an issue, " he said, making everyone quiet " Thank goodness the plane had nothing left. A rocket fired on the plane," he said.

Zaryab quickly called his pilot who told him to come quickly, otherwise he is leaving and can't put his life in danger.

" Do quickly it will take 50 minutes to reach the airport"  he announced as met an aged handsome man. With his look, he can tell he is in some way related to emer and Ezra. " Baba he had a jet," Ezra said Murat turned to zaryab extended his hand

"Murat Zaygil, " he said. Zaryab shook his hand" Zaryab Qureshi" he replied.

" I need your help. I wanted to take care of myself. We need assistance now. secretly" he said. " HOW QUICKLY, " he asked, "Pick me behind the hospital," he said as Zaryab nodded.

" I'm sorry for your loss," he said Murat nodded and hugged him. Everyone was surprised by his gesture. He never hugged. Zaryab's eyes widened as he whispered to him. He looked at Murat and nodded.

Mehmal was quiet and she didn't want to put zaryab in this situation. It was her war, her fight she promised she wouldn't bring him into the mess. She had no option but to follow him. He held Mehmal in his arms and walked to Murat " I need your help from landing at the airport to everything there and here. I need a car to reach the airport now" he said Murat nodded.

Zaryab put Mehmal in the jeep. Thomas sat with the driver. Zaryab sat with mehmal. The Jeep moved and went to the area of the house. A wheelchair with a Dr and a nurse came in their view and opened the back of the jeep. In the wheelchair, the man had a black sheet covered. Suddenly a door opened and Murat sat beside mehmal. Zaryab is on the other side.

"Is he Emer?" she asked while crying Murat nodded. Mehmal turned but the pain in her body didn't let her " Mehmal don't move. We need to take the flight safely without anyone's notice" murat said.

Emer was in the hospital where no one knows but soon Murat's presence in one of the hospitals confirmed the presence of emer. They still think Emer is in the hospital not near the house. No one noticed when zaryab took mehmal.

Airport was in israeli territory but Murat connections gave him enough time to take off due to chaos. The flight took off. Mehmal, who was sitting in a chair, looked at the curtains. Mehmal tears fell.

How will I move in life? I don't know how I will even run the MMC.

Mehmal feels she is lonely and unprotected. She realised how she felt safe in his presence. How he protected her.

"He fought for his people. Now who will come again for Palestinian "She said Murat nodded

"He always wanted to be martyred." She added and she tried to stand when Zaryab stopped her " No I want to see him please " she said. He was behind the curtain.

" Mehmal No," he said Mehmal snatched her arms " He protected me everywhere. How I will work without him. I don't even know how to make decisions. He made Mehmal. He called me soulmate. A soul attached to and the same motive I wanted to live my life. I realised we both were the same, have no expectations from life, just wanted to work and work and dedicate life to the path of Allah" she said.

Zaryab realised his importance in Mehmal's life. How painful it is when you are just a spouse. She is proud of him. 

Her crying made Zaryab realize one thing. A man falls for multiple women Emer too falls for her in some way but that love is different. Which doesn't need him to be with her. Which is pure.

He realised the complexity of man and women love.

love without lust, the love Emer had with his wife is different and the love which he doesn't even know for mehmal is different. In mehmal, he doesn't want her just wants her to be safe and protected. In the polygamous marriage, in which he doesn't want to involve in any way scared of justuce. But he knows  with mehmal and elif he can easily do justice. Because his losve for both of them is different. Its just he doesn't want mehmal more than friend. Zaryab realized Emer knows his affection for mehmal. Is this why they said men love every woman differently in their own way. He may love his wife more because he had no control over his heart and didn't care if Mehmal is with him or any man. The care is also love.

He realised its just timings and his and mehmal closure which didn't let Mehmal never forget him. If She met emer first she would not even care of their age differences nor she would care of his previous marriage she would fall for him. It pains him to see his wife crying for another man. If he and elif are not in the picture they have fallen in love with each other.

He is selfish and he can't share mehmal. They can live alone separately but she will be someone else's wife and the man is Emer who will easily erase his memory and hurt him. He can't tolerate her doing what they did and she sees any other man with love.

He felt movement and saw the nurse was doing something to her legs. " Is it getting worse?" Murat asked zaryab to take her legs on his lap.

" We need to treat her there and will do an MRI then we can see if it's worse or not." Nurse said zaryab nodded.

Mehmal eyes were on the curtains. Zaryab saw her state. He doesn't want to feel jealous in such a state but he was feeling jealous.

"Did she  cry like this for me when I was in hospital? ''Zaryab thought.

Jealousy is a common and natural thing which no human has control. When a woman is jealous, she is told to be patient, she has a reward, but they do not say anything about a man's jealousy. And that too when you are in this station where your wife doesn't have an affair or any romantic relationship and she is not doing anything which is against her boundaries.

Zarayb does what women do. Patience.

Dr came out " We have to shift him immediately his surviving chances are low" Dr. Said. Thomas and Mehmal were shocked and looked at each other.  " HE IS ALIVE?" Mehmal asked with a smile on her face. Murat nodded. Thomas went behind the curtain. " PLEASE TAKE ME TO SEE HIM," Mehmal said. Thomas came back " He is breathing, " he said Mehmal closed her eyes and thanked Allah.

She turned to Zaryab. " When will we reach?" she asked. Zaryab noticed she forgot her anger and everything " it's 4 hours 45 minutes flight still an hour" he said. She turned her head to the curtain side then turned again to zaryab

" TAKE ME TO HIM," she said with pleading eyes. How can he deny anything she said? He nodded and brought a wheelchair. He took her to him. " DO YOU KNEW HE WAS ALIVE?" she asked he nodded " Murat Zaygil whispered in my ears he wanted to take him secretly. It's a golden chance for his enemies to kill him" he said. He parted the curtain he was lying there. He had a bandage around his eyes and in his front chest. The oxygen cylinder was there and is attached to him.

She went near him. " EMER" she called.

" Emer, please don't die. I need you to know how I will survive? We have to see so much success together. You promised me you will build the headquarters for me," she said and reached into his hands. Zaryab heard that he wanted to leave them alone but his husband's ego didn't let him.

"I don't know how to handle it from now on. Who will protect me and guide me? Please don't leave me alone. You had a son. For him, please, " she said. Zaryab feels ashamed. Mehmal was demanding things from a man who is not her protector. He is, he should protect her but she is secure under his protection.

Zaryab felt low and weak. He was insecure. He was already not equal to her status and now he can't even protect what husband must give his wife. He feels pathetic.

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